The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
Uncle IsGumchoOver "I wanna say..."
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"Without You" is a song from "The Matchmaker," in which it is sung by Darwin. It then reappears in "The Pact," in where Gumball sings the chorus in the bus. An instrumental of it is heard in "The Master" when Gumball reenacts himself cross-fading near the lake while listening to soft-rock due to thinking he had 24 hours to live.


"The Matchmaker"

Darwin: Your smile answers my silent scream
Your photo on the screen
My eyes swell up, I vent my spleen
Your photo on the screen

Your chair a throne, you're like a queen
My heart is drenched in gasoline
You look at me, yet I'm unseen
Your photo on the screen

Without you, I can't breathe
Without you, I can't brea—

"The Pact"

Gumball : Without you, I can't breathe
Without you, I can't brea—



ve Songs
Themes OpeningEndingYes / No Continue?Indian intro
Season One Alligators Off This TrainI Wanna Be FreeFine LadySugar Rush SongPlease Do It Larry!We Won!I'm a BallerinaA Music VideoThe Inner WarriorNo More GiRefund the WorldThe Dumb SongThe Honesty RapYou Gotta Think BigBecause We're MenDanny BoyToday's Gonna Be a Wonderful Day!When Life Hands You Lemons
Season Two I Wanna Study with Your DaughterPizza RapPizza Pizza PizzaWe're Rich!What He Thinks About Us!No More Mr. Nice Guy!It's Christmas EveChristmas is CancelledAberdeenDon't Know MeMy Little OnesBabyThe Baddest Kid In PrisonWho's Gettin' Candy?Lunch SongLittle SquirrelBaby AnaisThe AnaihilatorThe Power To FightInternet SongThe Amazing World of ElmoreRise of the BacteriaBecause We're Men
Season Three Make the Most of ItA New StartKooky SongStalker SongKeep SmilingJust Notice UsBacon RapLove Can Set You FreeIf You're Happy and You Know ItHey RockyShe's the BestIt's LoveCome On NowI is for IncredibleSluzzle Tag SongElmore Help DeskEat or Be EatenYour Life Doesn't CountSpaghetti and MeatballsLife Can Make You SmileI Saw a Big ParadeJust You and MeImaginateJoyful Burger Jingle
Season Four I'm AssociatedAim for the TopWe are the Senior CitizensWe Are FamilyNever Gonna Let You Go99 Bottles of Age-Appropriate BeverageI Say BananaThe Wicked SongI'm On My WayTake My AdviceWhat is Love?Ketchup RapI'm a BunHappy DayBooks Are ViolentMy Lonely Backside And IStay AliveWeird Like You And MeDouble, Double Toil and TroubleHow Low Would You Go?It's A Lovely Morning
Season Five It's A Lovely MorningI Can SingBe Your Own YouPotatoThis Is from the IRSThe DayThe Everything SongWe Wreck 'EmWithout YouCome On NowThrough the Eyes of a KidWorkplace StressHere to StayYou Gotta Think BigFeel the HeatWork that BodyI VowBanana DanceLove Me ForeverA Sorcerer's ApprenticeYour FriendshipGoodbyeHey There SussieI Am FreeI'm SingingBilly Parham in Your HouseIf I Told YouFilth, Filth, All AroundI Prefer All My Food FriedYou're a Hairy LadyThe Hurt I FeelBanana SymphonyThe Small HoursEmployee of the MonthI Found a FryHead Shot, Body ShotJust Give Up And CryThe Fun Will Never End
Season Six Season After SeasonWith a FriendA FriendThere Can Only Be OneThe Vermin ManDad RockTake a Rest, Sit DownLife Is Beautiful32 Donkeys Playing on a SledWithout YouDoctor RapDill Pickle RapIf It's Too Hard To ForgiveHe's BackMake Me a CakePuppiesSummer LullabyI Still Look Forward ToAll Hail All Hallow's Eve!I'm Ready for LoveOut of SyncRed, Orange, YellowHashtag TrendingJingle DanceOne-SevenNever Beat the FeelingThe Objects of ElmoreBanana Symphony
TV Shorts Rise of the BacteriaBanana DanceCN Crazy ChoirGumball StyleMy MomElmore SongI'm BoredWhen You're Missing a FriendThey Call Me Sarah