"We're Rich!" is a song that is sung by Gumball and Darwin in "The Apology," after they find a $100 bill in the library, planted by Miss Simian in an attempt to get the boys in trouble.
Gumball and Darwin: Ooooh—
Lucy Simian: [Speaking] Come on, pick it up and keep it for yourselves, you thieving hoodlums.
Gumball and Darwin: —oooh!
Gumball: [While dancing] We're rich!
Darwin: [Also while dancing] We're prosperous!
Gumball: We're opulent!
Darwin: We're flush!
Gumball: We're gilded!
Darwin: We're wealthy!
Gumball: We're— [Speaking] Wait a minute. We need to change our phone numbers and leave town.
Darwin: [Stops dancing]