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Watch Out Little Teddy is a safety video that appears in "The Safety." It revolves around Little Teddy, an accident-prone bear who is repeatedly injured and subsequently reprimanded by the narrator. The video's disturbing and unsettling nature frightens Mr. Small and everyone else in Miss Simian's classroom, but no one is more scared than Darwin.

The sequence was animated by Jérémie Périn.[1]


[The episode starts with a video's title card, with cheery music playing]
Narrator: Watch out, Little Teddy.
[Then, a teddy bear is seen cooking]
Narrator: Little Teddy is very excited, because it's cookie time. But watch out, Little Teddy...
[Little Teddy burns his hands while attempting to bring out some cookies from an oven]
Little Teddy: Ow! Ow!
Narrator: Be careful around ovens!
[The video switches to Little Teddy looking out from a window to a tree with a bird]
Narrator: Little Teddy has seen a bird. [Little Teddy waves as narrator speaks] Hello, little bird!
Bird: Hello!
Narrator: But watch out, Little Teddy...
[Little Teddy falls out of the window and hits the ground. The bird perches on Little Teddy's head and pecks his nose]
Narrator: Be careful around windows!
[Little Teddy is seen chasing a butterfly in a field]
Video Narrator: Little Teddy is having fun in the backyard with a butterfly. Butterflies are pretty. But watch out, Little Teddy...
[After running a long distance, Little Teddy knocks himself over with a rake]
Narrator: Be careful around garden tools!
[The video transitions to Little Teddy walking to an old woman about to cross a road]
Narrator: Little Teddy is helping a senior citizen. That's kind of you, Teddy. It's nice to be nice.
[Little Teddy and the old woman start crossing the road]
Narrator: But watch out, Little Teddy...
[Little Teddy puts his arm around the old woman's shoulder, which angers her. The old woman screams, and beats his head with a crowbar until a bump rises from his head]
Narrator: Be careful around strangers!
[As the old woman leaves, Little Teddy is hit by a speeding car]
Narrator: And cars!
[The scene flips over, and transitions to Little Teddy dancing inside a circle of singing children]
Children: [Singing] If you're going on adventures, or having lots of fun
Remember to be frightened, being safe is number one
Little Teddy: [Waving] Remember, kids—please take care 'cause danger's lurking— [Little Teddy, along with the video becomes eerily distorted] everywhere.



  • This makes it the second segment to be animated by a guest animator, as well as the second animated by Jérémie Périn. The first in both respects was the pixel-art sequence from "The Words," which was animated by Périn and Mikael Robert.
  • Near the beginning of the tape, still images of the Overlook Hotel from The Shining can be briefly seen.
  • This video is a reference to a public information film, the British equivalent of a public service announcement. It also parodies the violent nature of these films.


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