Daniel Lennard
- [At the Wattersons' front lawn, Gumball and Darwin are frantically digging through trash as an unimpressed Anais watches them]
- Gumball: Where are they?! Where are they?! Where are they?!
- Anais: Is it really that important?
- Gumball: Of course it is! This is Krupoch the Barbarian! [An action figure is shown in Anais' hand] Without his weapons he's... Krupoch, the weird dude who hangs out in furry underpants and looks like he's angrily trying to shake hands with people.
- Anais: Like I said, is it really that important?
- Darwin: [Reading a sheet of paper he found] Hey, who's Daniel Lennard?
- Gumball: Ugh, who cares?
- Anais: [Picks up another sheet of paper] Him, apparently. For Mom?! Look at all this stuff he sent her. And listen to this. [Reads] "Here's another gift because your beauty and happiness is the most important thing in my world. Signed, Daniel Lennard." That guy's trying to steal our mom!
- [Gumball and Darwin gasp. Gumball pretends to play a dramatic music cue on an imaginary piano, and Darwin pretends to faint]
- Anais: We need to find him and make sure-
- Nicole: What are you doing?
- [Nicole appears, and she is using her hands to show her anger instead of her eyebrows. Gumball, Darwin and Anais eye her suspiciously]
- Gumball: What are you doing?
- Nicole: Showing you how angry I am. If I had to pull a real frown every time you guys misbehaved, I'd be more wrinkly than a granny in a bath. What are you doing spreading trash all over the grass?
- Gumball: Uhh... recycling?
- Nicole: [Raises an "eyebrow"] Really?
- Gumball, Darwin and Anais: [Nod] Mmhmm, mmhmm.
- Nicole: Oh, then I guess it's alright. [Enters the house]
- Gumball: [Freaks out] Oh, my gosh, this is terrible! He's gonna steal Mom! [Pants] I don't feel good... [Starts babbling incoherently then passes out. After a brief moment, he awakens] Okay, sorry about that. I think I'm better n- [Gets nauseous and collapses again. Awakens once more] Okay, I think I'm alright now- [Faints again]
- Anais: Tsk. [Sighs] We should've seen this coming. She's a great mom, who wouldn't want her? We have to do something before that guy steals her away!
- Gumball: [Sits up] I've got a plan! [Faints yet again]
Initial Planning
- Gumball: First, Darwin uses his man voice to call Mom, pretending to be her boss and tell her that she has to go in to work...
- Darwin: Hello, this is your boss from the place you work--
- [Nicole runs out of the house]
- Gumball: When she leaves the house, we hack into her email, and send a message to Daniel Lennard posing as her to get him to agree to a secret meeting in the park tonight. Then we steal some of Mom's clothes, THEN, we break for lunch, I'm thinking burrito... THEN, we sneak out of the house with the clothes and cross town to the park. Once there, you will tell Daniel Lennard that he's in danger...
- Anais: You are in danger, Daniel Lennard.
- Gumball: And that Mom is a horrible carnivorous monster, and you are the survivors of her previous family. Then I'll attack in disguise of Mom, [A shot of Gumball in Nicole's clothes, screeching as he pops out of a bush] scaring him away forever. Boom!
- Anais: Hmm, that could work, but we need to make sure nothing can go wrong. Let's go through this in detail! Okay, so what exactly will Darwin say to Mom?
Tricking Nicole
- [The kids imagine the situation, Nicole is in the kitchen and her phone rings]
- Nicole: [Answers phone] Hello, Nicole Watterson.
- Darwin: [Does not know what to say] Uh....
- Nicole: Who is this?
- [Darwin's head explodes. Back in the present, Gumball writes on a notepad]
- Anais: Okay, so we call Mom and Darwin reads what's on the paper.
- [Gumball hands Darwin the notepad]
- [Back in the kids' imagination, Nicole is in the kitchen and Darwin calls from another phone in the living room]
- Nicole: [Answers phone] Hello, Nicole Watterson.
- Darwin: [Reading from notepad] Hello, this is your boss from the place you work.
- [Nicole hears Darwin and walks into the living room]
- Darwin: We need you to— [Notices Nicole] Uhh...
- [Darwin's head explodes]
- [Back to Gumball's room]
- Gumball: [Groans in frustration] Okay, so we write a script and call Mom from a payphone.
- [Back in the kids' imagination, Darwin is taking the phone call from a public payphone]
- Darwin: Hello, this is your boss from the place you work. We needed you to come here right away or you're fired!
- Nicole: Why? What's going on? Is it the Kobayashi account or is it the infrastructure problem with the throughput outflow?
- Darwin: [Unsure of what to say again] Uhh...
- [Anais appears behind Darwin and puts him back together just as he explodes]
- Anais: [Whispers] Turn the page!
- Darwin: [Flips the page] It's so serious I can't discuss it over the phone, bye!
- [Nicole gasps and runs out of the house]
- Gumball: [Pops out from behind a nearby bush] Then I get to the computer!
E-mail to Daniel Lennard
- [Nicole's bedroom door swings open and Gumball enters cartwheeling into the room, back-flips onto the bed, spins in mid-air landing on a handstand, somersaults forward, and leaps over the chair into the seat and begins typing]
- Gumball: Haha!
- [Back in his bedroom, Gumball is pantomiming typing while making clicking sounds. Anais and Darwin are watching him unconvinced]
- Anais: Come on, let's be real for a minute.
- [Nicole's bedroom door swings open and Gumball enters attempting a few cartwheels, jumps onto the bed face-first, rolls off the side, tiptoes over to the computer, tries to climb over the back of the chair, and then resorts to ballet twirling around it and hops on it]
- Gumball: Okay, then I... [Out of breath] I'm so— [Takes a few breaths before recovering] Then I break into Mom's email account.
- [Dramatic closeup accompanied by music]
- Darwin: [In a disembodied voice] Dude, your caps lock is on!
- Gumball: [Disinterestedly] Oh, sorry. [Resumes typing and reads] Dear Daniel Lennard, meet me at the park tonight, it's mega-important dude.
- Anais: [Also as a disembodied voice] Oh, come on! Have you ever heard Mom say "mega" or "dude"?
- Gumball: [Sighs] What would you say?
- Anais: Just say it's an issue of "utmost importance".
- Gumball: [Sarcastically in a high-pitched, English-esque accent] Oh! Would you like me to CC the Queen of England as well?
- Anais: [Slaps him "off-screen"] Just send the thing!
- Gumball: [Sighs then resumes typing nonchalantly] Forever yours, Gumball.
- Darwin: Dude! You just signed it with your own name!
- Gumball: Aw, come on! I've already had to retype this thing three times! [Sighs and retypes it] Alright! Dear Daniel Lennard, meet me at the park tonight, it's an issue of utmost importance. Forever yours, Mom.
- Anais: Come on! Mom would never sign "Mom"! She would sign her own name!
- Gumball: [Annoyed] Ah, sure. [Resumes typing] Dear Daniel Lennard, nah nah nah, forever yours, Nicole. [Sends email]
- Anais: Wait, what did you put in the subject?
- Gumball: [Screams in irritation] Can we just move on from the email bit?
- Anais: Come on! Every part of the plan has to be foolproof!
- Gumball: [Pretends to type] Alright, it's done, I put "Hello." Lunch time!
To the Park
- [Back in Gumball's room, the kids are pantomiming eating burritos before heading out in their plan]
- Darwin: [Finishes eating and "cleans" his hands] Burritos are nice, but they're kind of messy.
- [In the kids' imagination in the living room, Richard is asleep on the couch, while Gumball and Darwin crawl behind the couch]
- Gumball: [Narrating softly] Okay, next, we sneak past Dad to get to the park. It should be easy; he'll be asleep.
- Richard: [Begins to sniff and wakes to find Darwin and Gumball sneaking out] Hey! Where do you think you're going?
- [Darwin exclaims in surprise at being caught and the imagination stops]
- Darwin: Why'd he wake up?
- Anais: He smelled us. You wiped some sauce on yourself.
- Gumball: Lunch time again!
- [The kids are sitting on the ground again, pantomiming eating their burritos]
- Gumball: Upupup! Don't forget to use your napkin!
- [Everyone proceeds to wipe their mouths]
- [The boys try to sneak past Richard again]
- Gumball: Okay, next, we sneak past dad to get to the park!
- Richard: [Wakes up and looks behind the couch to find the boys] Hey! Where do you think you're going?
- Darwin: [Exclaims in surprise] How is that even possible?! He smelled it from inside us?
- [Kids are redoing the lunchtime scene "eating" their burritos with sullen faces]
- Darwin: [Sighs, disappointed] It's just not as good without the sauce.
- [The plan cuts to Gumball and Darwin running down a street]
- Darwin: Why did you leave five hours to run to a park that's only three blocks away?
- Gumball: Because!
- [Back in their room where Gumball and Darwin are running in place]
- Gumball: [Gestures to Anais] She's got no legs. They're more like feet coming out of her butt.
- Anais: [Angrily] Why don't we take bikes?
- Gumball: [Still running with Darwin] Because—
- [Back to the street]
- Gumball: It's way funnier to watch you try to run!
- [Anais tries to run as fast as she can, grunting while trying to keep up with Gumball and Darwin]
- [In front of the park gates Darwin is standing there bored and Anais finally catches up]
- Anais: [Out of breath] Aw man! [Falls to her knees] The park's closed! [Collapses and, getting up, says in a raspy voice] Why didn't you get in when it was open?!
- Darwin: It was closed when we got here. I've been waiting for four hours for him to man up and jump, [In a sing-song voice] but he's too scared!
- Gumball: [On top of the gates] I'm not scared! [Less confidently] I just don't want to do it.
- Darwin: [Shakes the gate still in a sing-song voice] You don't want to because you're scared!
- Gumball: [Begins to freak out and cries out incoherently] Dude, not cool! Okay fine, I'm doing it!
- [Gumball prepares himself to jump off the gate and takes a deep breath]
- Gumball: Okay, three, two, one...
- [Gumball jumps off, but pants gets snagged on a spike on the gate]
- Gumball: [Cries out in a high-pitched opera tone] Ohhhhh! Do something! Help me out! Don't leave me hanging! Please, please, somebody do something!
- [Gumball keeps crying out as the scene goes back to their bedroom to reveal he is holding himself up by his pants]
- Anais: [With a raised eyebrow] You do know realize this is all just happening in your head, right?
- Gumball: [Sets himself down; normal voice] Yeah, but let's just go to the shop to buy some rope before we go to the park. [With a horrified look] Because I'm not going through that again.
- [On the other side of the park gate hangs a rope from which Gumball slides down, followed by Darwin and then Anais who falls flat on her face. When she recovers, the three of them notice all the people in the park]
- Anais: How did they get in here when the gate is... [Opens the gate to reveal it was not locked] Wait, no one actually tried it?!
- Darwin: It was shut!
- Anais: A shut door isn't a locked door! [Closes the gate and crosses her arms] I think we all learned that after the Granny Jojo dressing room incident.
- Gumball: [Shudders disgusted as he remembers] What kind of weirdo gets dressed hat first? Anyway, [Looks among the people walking about the park] which one is Daniel Lennard?
- Darwin: [Begins to look around as well] We'll know when we see him, but right now, let's just imagine what he would be. [He and Gumball get into thinking positions]
- Gumball: Well, we already saw from his note that he's pretty slimy.
- [A ball of slime appears out of thin air before them]
- Gumball: We also know he's rich, so he must be full of "bling".
- [Ball of slime grows a top hat, a pocket watch, and a chain necklace with a dollar sign]
- Darwin: Also, he's probably evil.
- [An angry face with a bow tie appears on the ball of slime]
- Darwin: No, more evil.
- [The face turns more bulldog-like]
- Darwin: No, even more evil!
- [A Van Dyke-styled mustache and beard appear]
- Darwin: Yeah, that's our Daniel Lennard.
- [Daniel Lennard grows arms, legs, and a cane and proceeds to walk away to meet Nicole]
- Gumball: [Quietly to Anais and Darwin] Okay, everyone put on their disguises!
- [Daniel Lennard pulls out an old pocket watch from his person and checks on it and as he does, Anais and Darwin appear in old, ragged clothes]
- Anais: Uh, Mr. Lennard?
- Daniel Lennard: [High-pitched voice] Yes, indeed?
- Anais: There's no way Mom would fall for a guy with a voice like that.
- Darwin: Evil voice!
- Daniel Lennard: [Deep, evil voice] Yes, indeed?
- Anais: Uh, we need to warn you, good sir!
- Daniel Lennard: Oh, but it's you who should be warned. I came for you! [Reaches out for the children]
- [Anais and Darwin run through the park screaming pursued by Daniel Lennard when Anais trips near a swing set]
- Anais: Darwin, help me!
- [Anais gets up and starts running again as Darwin runs to the swing set. Daniel Lennard arrives at the swing set]
- Darwin: Stay away from us! [Grabs a swing and swings it at Daniel Lennard]
- [The swing passes through him and comes back to hit Darwin in the face]
- Daniel Lennard: [Laughs evilly]
- [Darwin starts running again as Anais tries to keep up. He picks up Anais]
- Anais: We're not gonna make it!
- Darwin: Do you trust me?!
- Anais: Of course!
- Darwin: Then, go!
- [Darwin throws Anais before crashing into a wall. Anais slides face first into the ground. Darwin sets Anais on her feet]
- Anais: You throw worse than I run.
- Daniel Lennard: [Catches up and towers over them] You thought you could trick me?!
- [Darwin and Anais cower in fear]
- Darwin: How does he know about our plan?!
- Daniel Lennard: [Advancing towards them] Because the next time you plan to get rid of me, don't write "Fake Email to Daniel Lennard" in the subject line!
- [Back in their room, Darwin and Anais are cowering in fear, they then turn to Gumball with disapproving looks]
- Gumball: I couldn't be bothered, alright?! I've written that email a million times already! [Defeated by their disappointment and sighs] Fine.
Past vs. Future
- [Scene returns to Gumball just as he finishes typing his email]
- Past Gumball: [Pretends to type in the email] Alright, it's done, I put "Hello."
- [Future Gumball appears and Past Gumball screams in alarm]
- Future Gumball: [In a foreboding tone] Gumball, I am you from the future! [Bluntly] And I know it's a total bummer, but you're gonna have to correct the subject line.
- Past Gumball: Can't you do it? You're here now.
- Future Gumball: Gosh, was I really that much of a jerk when I was young?
- Anais: [As a disembodied voice] Yup!
- Past Gumball: [Uninterested] Gosh, am I really that much of a sucker in the future?
- Future Gumball: Don't mess with me, little man, 'cause I can go back in time and do this! [Uses mind powers]
- [Past Gumball cries out in pain as the computer mouse swaps into a mouse trap and his hand is caught in it]
- Past Gumball: So, you think you're the only one that can play that game, huh!?
- [Past Gumball begins to gorge on the bag of Rainbow Peanut Butter on the desk]
- Past Gumball: [Muffled] Let's see how you feel after I've had all that candy!
- Future Gumball: [Teeth rot and he cries out] Stop! You're giving me cavities! [Uses mind powers]
- [Past Gumball jumps out of his seat in pain to reveal his rear is covered in miniature barbarian weapons]
- Past Gumball: What the-- Gah! Krupoch's weapons!? Fine, you asked for this! [Grabs computer keyboard and drags tongue over the keys]
- Future Gumball: [Turns pale green and sickly, starting to cough and sneeze] You treacherous little-- [Coughs] [Uses mind powers]
- [Chair is stuck to Past Gumball and he screams]
- Past Gumball: You put tape on it!? [Tries to get up but realizes] Gah! You left the weapons on!
- Future Gumball: [Coughing] Change the subject of the email!
- Past Gumball: [Tries to surrender] Okay, okay. [Moves back] Or maybe I'll do this!
- [Past Gumball charges forward as Future Gumball moves out of the way and he flies out the window earning many injuries off-screen damaging Future Gumball]
- [Back in the room, Gumball is writhing on the floor in pain to illustrate his future self's state]
- Anais: You do realize that this is costing you guys way more effort than just changing the message subject?
- Gumball: [Stops writhing] Yeah, I'm still having trouble with that hypothetical future / past thing [Pantomimes typing]
A Finally Foolproof Plan
- [Back in the park section of their plan, Darwin and Anais are once again dressed as beggar children]
- Anais: You are in danger, Daniel Lennard!
- Daniel Lennard: [Puts pocket watch back into himself] How do you know my name? Who are you?
- Anais: We're all that is left of Nicole Watterson's previous family.
- Daniel Lennard: What? What about your father?
- Darwin: [Crying] She took all his money, and then... she ate him!
- Daniel Lennard: [Exclaims in surprise]
- Anais: [With a quiet and warning tone] And now, she's coming for you!
- [Gumball, dressed as Nicole, pops out of the nearby bushes hissing with claws poised]
- Daniel Lennard: Hiya! [Swings his cane at him and scene freezes]
- Darwin: [In the freeze frame mortified with Anais] Okay, you're gonna have to dodge that!
- [Scene rewinds itself and Daniel Lennard swings his cane at Gumball again. Gumball ducks and prepares to attack again. Daniel Lennard is about to kick Gumball when scene freezes again]
- Darwin: [In freeze frame again] Okay, you're gonna have to dodge that, too.
- [Scene rewinds itself again. Daniel Lennard swings his cane at Gumball again and he ducks and prepares to attack again, Daniel Lennard the tries to kick Gumball but he dodges and poises claws again, then Daniel Lennard tries to karate chop Gumball, but the scene freezes once again]
- Darwin: [With less urgency] Okay, that as well.
- [Scene rewinds itself again and Daniel Lennard and Gumball perform all of their previous actions, but all of a sudden Daniel Lennard pulls out a taser and fires before the scene slows down into another freeze frame]
- Darwin: [With greater urgency] No, dude! You're not gonna be able to dodge that!
- Gumball: [Unimpressed] Aw, man.
- [Gumball gets hit and electrocuted off-screen while Darwin and Anais look away as Gumball collapses into the bush. Daniel Lennard then runs away scared]
- [Anais and Darwin get closer to the bush worriedly]
- Anais: Gumball, no!
- Gumball: [Rises up from the bush] I think this plan is-- [Pulls out a pillow that shielded him from the taser] Finally foolproof!
- Darwin and Anais: Yay!
- [Back in the room hug, the two of them hug Gumball and they all laugh triumphantly]
- Anais: Right! Let's get our mom back!
Brand of Cosmetics
- [Scene cuts to Gumball, Darwin, and Anais running down the street]
- Darwin: Wait!
- [Everyone skids to a stop and Darwin points at a billboard]
- Darwin: What is that?
- [They all look at a large billboard with a man's face and cosmetic supplies beside him]
- Anais: [Reads] "Daniel Lennard, Anti-Aging Products"?
- [Cuts back to their confused faces when Anais realizes]
- Anais: Wait...
- [They flashback to that morning where Gumball and Darwin are digging through the trash]
- Anais: [Reading the letter] "Here's another gift because your beauty and happiness is the most important thing in my world, signed Daniel Lennard."
- Nicole: [Using her fingers as eyebrows] If I had to pull a real frown every time you guys misbehaved, I'd be more wrinkly than a granny in a bath.
- [Flashback ends and they are still staring at the billboard]
- Gumball: Daniel Lennard is not a man. He's a brand of cosmetics.
- [They all let out a sigh of exasperation and face-palm]
- [Episode Ends]
v • e Transcript |
Episode 1 The DVD |
Episode 2 The Responsible |
Episode 3 The Third |
Episode 4 The Debt |
Episode 5 The End |
Episode 6 The Dress |
Episode 7 The Quest |
Episode 8 The Spoon |
Episode 9 The Pressure |
Episode 10 The Painting |
Episode 11 The Laziest |
Episode 12 The Ghost |
Episode 13 The Mystery |
Episode 14 The Prank |
Episode 15 The Gi |
Episode 16 The Kiss |
Episode 17 The Party |
Episode 18 The Refund |
Episode 19 The Robot |
Episode 20 The Picnic |
Episode 21 The Goons |
Episode 22 The Secret |
Episode 23 The Sock |
Episode 24 The Genius |
Episode 25 The Poltergeist |
Episode 26 The Mustache |
Episode 27 The Date |
Episode 28 The Club |
Episode 29 The Wand |
Episode 30 The Ape |
Episode 31 The Car |
Episode 32 The Curse |
Episode 33 The Microwave |
Episode 34 The Meddler |
Episode 35 The Helmet |
Episode 36 The Fight |
Episode 1 The Remote |
Episode 2 The Colossus |
Episode 3 The Knights |
Episode 4 The Fridge |
Episode 5 The Flower |
Episode 6 The Banana |
Episode 7 The Phone |
Episode 8 The Job |
Episode 9 Halloween |
Episode 10 The Treasure |
Episode 11 The Apology |
Episode 12 The Words |
Episode 13 The Skull |
Episode 14 The Bet |
Episode 15 Christmas |
Episode 16 The Watch |
Episode 17 The Bumpkin |
Episode 18 The Flakers |
Episode 19 The Authority |
Episode 20 The Virus |
Episode 21 The Pony |
Episode 22 The Hero |
Episode 23 The Dream |
Episode 24 The Sidekick |
Episode 25 The Photo |
Episode 26 The Tag |
Episode 27 The Storm |
Episode 28 The Lesson |
Episode 29 The Game |
Episode 30 The Limit |
Episode 31 The Voice |
Episode 32 The Promise |
Episode 33 The Castle |
Episode 34 The Boombox |
Episode 35 The Tape |
Episode 36 The Sweaters |
Episode 37 The Internet |
Episode 38 The Plan |
Episode 39 The World |
Episode 40 The Finale |
Episode 1 The Kids |
Episode 2 The Fan |
Episode 3 The Coach |
Episode 4 The Joy |
Episode 5 The Puppy |
Episode 6 The Recipe |
Episode 7 The Name |
Episode 8 The Extras |
Episode 9 The Gripes |
Episode 10 The Vacation |
Episode 11 The Fraud |
Episode 12 The Void |
Episode 13 The Boss |
Episode 14 The Move |
Episode 15 The Law |
Episode 16 The Allergy |
Episode 17 The Mothers |
Episode 18 The Password |
Episode 19 The Procrastinators |
Episode 20 The Shell |
Episode 21 The Burden |
Episode 22 The Bros |
Episode 23 The Mirror |
Episode 24 The Man |
Episode 25 The Pizza |
Episode 26 The Lie |
Episode 27 The Butterfly |
Episode 28 The Question |
Episode 29 The Saint |
Episode 30 The Friend |
Episode 31 The Oracle |
Episode 32 The Safety |
Episode 33 The Society |
Episode 34 The Spoiler |
Episode 35 The Countdown |
Episode 36 The Nobody |
Episode 37 The Downer |
Episode 38 The Egg |
Episode 39 The Triangle |
Episode 40 The Money |
Episode 1 The Return |
Episode 2 The Nemesis |
Episode 3 The Crew |
Episode 4 The Others |
Episode 5 The Signature |
Episode 6 The Check |
Episode 7 The Pest |
Episode 8 The Sale |
Episode 9 The Gift |
Episode 10 The Parking |
Episode 11 The Routine |
Episode 12 The Upgrade |
Episode 13 The Comic |
Episode 14 The Romantic |
Episode 15 The Uploads |
Episode 16 The Apprentice |
Episode 17 The Hug |
Episode 18 The Wicked |
Episode 19 The Traitor |
Episode 20 The Origins |
Episode 21 The Origins: Part Two |
Episode 22 The Girlfriend |
Episode 23 The Advice |
Episode 24 The Signal |
Episode 25 The Parasite |
Episode 26 The Love |
Episode 27 The Awkwardness |
Episode 28 The Nest |
Episode 29 The Points |
Episode 30 The Bus |
Episode 31 The Night |
Episode 32 The Misunderstandings |
Episode 33 The Roots |
Episode 34 The Blame |
Episode 35 The Slap |
Episode 36 The Detective |
Episode 37 The Fury |
Episode 38 The Compilation |
Episode 39 The Scam |
Episode 40 The Disaster |
Episode 1 The Rerun |
Episode 2 The Stories |
Episode 3 The Guy |
Episode 4 The Boredom |
Episode 5 The Vision |
Episode 6 The Choices |
Episode 7 The Code |
Episode 8 The Test |
Episode 9 The Slide |
Episode 10 The Loophole |
Episode 11 The Fuss |
Episode 12 The Copycats |
Episode 13 The Potato |
Episode 14 The Outside |
Episode 15 The Vase |
Episode 16 The Matchmaker |
Episode 17 The Box |
Episode 18 The Console |
Episode 19 The Ollie |
Episode 20 The Catfish |
Episode 21 The Cycle |
Episode 22 The Stars |
Episode 23 The Grades |
Episode 24 The Diet |
Episode 25 The Ex |
Episode 26 The Sorcerer |
Episode 27 The Menu |
Episode 28 The Uncle |
Episode 29 The Weirdo |
Episode 30 The Heist |
Episode 31 The Singing |
Episode 32 The Best |
Episode 33 The Worst |
Episode 34 The Deal |
Episode 35 The Petals |
Episode 36 The Nuisance |
Episode 37 The Line |
Episode 38 The List |
Episode 39 The News |
Episode 40 The Puppets |
Episode 1 The Rival |
Episode 2 The Lady |
Episode 3 The Sucker |
Episode 4 The Vegging |
Episode 5 The One |
Episode 6 The Father |
Episode 7 The Cringe |
Episode 8 The Cage |
Episode 9 The Neighbor |
Episode 10 The Anybody |
Episode 11 The Faith |
Episode 12 The Candidate |
Episode 13 The Pact |
Episode 14 The Shippening |
Episode 15 The Brain |
Episode 16 The Parents |
Episode 17 The Founder |
Episode 18 The Schooling |
Episode 19 The Intelligence |
Episode 20 The Potion |
Episode 21 The Spinoffs |
Episode 22 The Transformation |
Episode 23 The Understanding |
Episode 24 The Ad |
Episode 25 The Ghouls |
Episode 26 The Stink |
Episode 27 The Awareness |
Episode 28 The Slip |
Episode 29 The Drama |
Episode 30 The Buddy |
Episode 31 The Possession |
Episode 32 The Master |
Episode 33 The Silence |
Episode 34 The Future |
Episode 35 The Wish |
Episode 36 The Factory |
Episode 37 The Agent |
Episode 38 The Web |
Episode 39 The Mess |
Episode 40 The Heart |
Episode 41 The Revolt |
Episode 42 The Decisions |
Episode 43 The BFFS |
Episode 44 The Inquisition |