The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

Walking Down the Street

[Gumball and Darwin are walking down the street]
Gumball: I don't see the point of this.
Darwin: What?
Gumball: Going for a Sunday walk, there's no payoff! It's like having superpowers but no nemesis to fight.
Darwin: Is walking a superpower?
Gumball: If having fun is your nemesis, then yes.
Darwin: Speaking of nemesis, what happened to that weird-looking guy who swore to be our mortal enemy?
Gumball: Yeah, he was all like, [Evil voice] "I will be your worst nightmare, I will be the terror of your existence, blah blah blah, threatening things, I WILL BE... YOUR ARCHENEMY." [Normally] Cut to: nothing happens.
[As Gumball and Darwin walk away, Rob appears behind them and puts a treadmill down. He takes out a car battery and attempts to slingshot it at them]
Gumball: I mean that's the problem with kids these days, [Just as the car battery is about to reach Darwin, it flings back and hits Rob in the head] they just don't commit to anything. You know who I blame? Over encouraging parents, medals for participation, and schools with no grades.
[Rob attempts to cut down a telephone pole. As Gumball and Darwin walk closer, he rapidly chops the telephone pole]
Gumball: And as soon as they fail, they just give up. We can't call them losers [Makes an adorable face] because they tried!
[Rob finishes chopping the pole, only for it to be suspended by the wires. He notices Gumball and Darwin, then jumps in a nearby bush]
Gumball: And you know what else I blame? College degrees in graphic design and like, mime. Heh, that's what the world needs. More street artists who can use Shotofop.
[Rob tries to launch the pole at Gumball and Darwin, but it hits a tree which falls right onto him. He tries to get up but the pole swings back and hits him in the face]
Gumball: I have two words for you: MILITARY KINDERGARTEN!
[Rob spills oil on the road and pushes a car down the slope. He cheers but slips]
Rob​​​​: AHHHHH!
Gumball: Something has to be done about it!
Darwin: Dude, chill out! Just breathe.
[Gumball and Darwin take a deep breath and close their eyes. The car takes them to the other side of the road while Rob slides off-screen]
Gumball: So, no, we won't see our nemesis again. Probably got into a new fad like being a blogger, riding a penny board or whatever.
Rob​​​​: [Walks up to them] I've tried, man, I've tried to be your enemy!
Darwin: Oh, hi, good to see you!
Rob​​​​: It's not supposed to be good to see me!
Darwin: Aw, somebody needs a hug!
[Darwin tries to hug Rob, but he pushes him back, causing the oil to make Rob slide away]
Gumball: What was that?
Rob​​​​: It's the oil from the trap.
Darwin: What trap?
Rob​​​​: Just one of the five hundred and sixty-three traps I set for you guys! Like this one! [Grabs a rope attached to a nearby tree hidden with leaves, then sighs] Look, I don't think I’m capable. Just forget about me. Like everyone else has.
[Rob starts walking but the oil makes him walk on the spot]
Rob​​​​: Would you mind?
[Darwin pushes Rob, who slowly slides away]
Darwin: Should we go...?
Gumball: Yeah, all right. [Starts walking away]
Darwin: No! I mean go after...
Gumball: Yeah, I know. I was just messing with ya.
Darwin: [Runs after Rob] Dude, come back!
Gumball: [Runs after Rob with Darwin, so his dialogue gets quieter] We'll help you become so evil that you'll grow a goatee!
[A bit later, the three of them are seen riding a bus]

In the Bus

Gumball: [Whispering] It's really sad that our nemesis rides the bus.
Rob​: I can hear you.
Gumball: Yeah, well, I hoped you'd be nutty enough to ride around on a bike made out of human bones, but here you are taking the bus. Not even as scary as that weird cat lady! [To Alison] No offense.
Alison: Don't listen to them, Martin, I know you're a real boy.
[Martin meows angrily and scratches Alison's face]
Darwin: Maybe he'd look more evil if he had an ominous theme tune.
Gumball: Dude, what's your name?
Rob​: Rob.
Gumball and Darwin: [Singing] Bob bob. Bada ba bob. Bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob, bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob, BADA BOB!
Rob​​​​​​​​: It's Rob!
Gumball and Darwin: [Singing] Rob rob rob rob rob rob...
[Rob shakes his head and covers his face with his hands]
Alison: I would have gone for something more like: [singing] Robitous! Ominous! On the bus! Robitous ominous on the bus!
Marvin: No, what about: [Imitates a theremin] Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob!
Sussie: No, no, no, no, what about: [Does little noises then one single loud bass beat] ROB!
[Everyone on the bus continues making noises, much to Rob's chagrin. The bus stops at the parking lot of the mall]
[Rob leaves the bus in a huff]
Gumball: Rob! Dude, Rob! Rob! Rob, come back! Rob! [He and Darwin follow Rob into the mall]

In the Mall

[Cut to inside the mall, where Rob is seen sniffing some melons. Gumball gasps]
Gumball: That's it! That's what he’s missing!
Darwin: Melons?
Gumball: No, he needs a villainous name like, "Dr. something."
Darwin: Dr. Fruity?
Gumball: Meh.
Darwin: Dr. Dandruff?
Gumball: Dr. Ethically-sourced-tuna-fish!
Darwin: Dr. Jerky!
Gumball: Dr. Moisturizer!
Darwin: Dr. Old-man-reaching-for-a-jar-of-olives?
Old man: Yes?
Darwin: Never mind...
[Gumball and Darwin follow Rob out of the market]
Gumball: Come on, man, give us something to work with.
Darwin: How about Dr. Fuzz?
Gumball: Yeah, or Dr. [Imitates static]
Darwin: It’s more like Dr. [Imitates static]
[Gumball and Darwin keep making noises resembling static until Rob throws his groceries on the ground and starts screaming]
[He stomps on his groceries. Gumball then takes a really deep breath, and Rob stops freaking out, looking worried for him]
Rob​​​​​​​​: Are you ok?
Gumball: [Strained] Just having a eureka moment. What about...
[Gumball suddenly looks like a superhero comic character with glowing eyes, as lightning strikes behind him]
Gumball: [Evil voice] DR. WRECKER!
Rob​​​​​​​​: I...! I... I like it. [In a squeaky voice] Dr. Wrecker!
Gumball: We're gonna have to work on the voice.

Making a Nemesis

[Cut to the Wattersons' house. Gumball, Darwin and Rob are in the living room]
Gumball: Okay, try the British accent again.
Rob​​​​​​​​: [Slightly high-pitched, rolling 'r's] I will destroy ye and everyone ye love.
Gumball: Eh, sounds like a cat being strangled by another cat who's also being strangled. Underwater. Okay, hold on. [Grabs a remote and aims it at Rob, going through different menus] No, no, color, no... Sharpness? No... Subtitles, nah... Ah, there! [Changes language to "English"] Try again.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [High-pitched, feminine] I will destroy you and everyone you love.
Gumball: Hold on, I need to adjust the bass. [Presses a button on the remote] Okay, again.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [High-pitched and feminine, so loud the house shakes] I will destroy you and everyone you love.
Gumball: Sorry, sorry! That was the volume! Okay. [Presses another button] Again?
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [In a deep voice] I will destroy you and everyone you love!
[Gumball and Darwin gasp in admiration and Rob looks at them happily]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: I am Dr. Wrecker, kneel before Dr. Wrecker, Dr. Wrecker is-
Gumball: [Mutes Rob] Okay, calm down. Next we need to get you an outfit.
[A sequence shows different pieces of armor appearing on Rob. It is interrupted by Gumball throwing a cardboard helmet at Rob, who is standing on the chair in Gumball and Darwin's room]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Ow! This is ridiculous, why do I have to get dressed like this?
Gumball: Because you don't see villains spending ten minutes hopping on one foot, pushing their leg through their armored pants! Come on, lower your head. [Throws helmet again, knocking Rob off the chair] Maybe you just put the helmet on yourself.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Puts on helmet] I am Dr. Wrecker! [Weak laughing] No, that's not right. Ha, ha, ha! No no no, still not right. Ha ha ha ha! No, that's not good.
Darwin: Our evil baby's almost ready to go out into the big, wide world.
Gumball: And destroy it.
Darwin: This calls for a celebration!
[Gumball and Darwin crawl out of the room]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Ah ha ha! [Goes downstairs] Ha ha ha! How did that sound? Guys? Guys! Hello?
[Rob finds Gumball and Darwin, looking hunched and with yellow and creepy eyes.]
Darwin and Gumball: [Blow party horns] Happy evil day, master!
[The room is decorated with birthday supplies with skulls drawn over them and a "HAPPY EVIL DAY" banner. Rob takes a Daisy the Donkey paper plate with eyebrows, red eyes, and sharp teeth drawn on the face]
Gumball: [In evil voice] I'm sorry, master. It was kind of hard to buy evil stuff online without ticking a box saying I was eighteen, so we had to improvise.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: What is all this?
Darwin: [In evil voice] We've had so much fun, we'd rather be your minions than your enemies. A cookie for the master? [Hands a plate of skull-shaped cookies to Rob]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: You think this is a game? You think that because you helped me find myself, I'm no longer your enemy? You think we’re friends? I am Dr. Wrecker and before long, you will be wreck-tified!
Darwin: [In normal voice] What does that mean?
Gumball: [In normal voice] Doesn't really make sense.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Yes, I'm not 100% on the catchphrase yet. But this is what I do to your friendship! [Throws the cookie plate on the floor and stomps on it]
Darwin: [Tears up]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Mark my words: I will destroy you and everyone you love! [Slams the front door as he leaves]
Gumball: Who would’ve thought in creating a monster, we'd create a monster?

Wrecking Elmore

[At nighttime, Gumball is trying to comfort Darwin when the doorbell rings. They open the door]
Gumball: Oh, our little "friend" has come back to play.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: I'm afraid it has become a little more serious than that. I set in process a series of events so magnificent in their conception that it will destroy-
Gumball: Wreck.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: -that it will wreck the whole of Elmore and everyone in it, but mostly you. And where better to wreak maximum damage than the Elmore dam?
[A flashback shows Rob sneaking into a closed area, where a sign reads "Elmore Dam"]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Voice-over] I knew if I wrecked the control room, the whole town would flood.
[Rob knocks on a metal door in the flashback]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Voice-over] A door like this would present a problem to a mere mortal but not to Dr. Wrecker and his wrecking ball! [Rides a wrecking ball in the flashback]
[The flashback stops]
Gumball: [Voice-over] Wait, you hired a wrecking ball?
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Voice-over] You bet!
[The flashback restarts. Rob smashes the wrecking ball into the wall beside the door, breaking it. He stands up]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: You just got wrecked!
[The broken wall reveals a control panel with electricity and water coming out of it. The flashback stops]
Gumball: Stylish entrance, check. Global threat, check. Use of improved catchphrase, "you just got wrecked," check. The final category is getting away in style.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Ah, well, I was going to escape by bus.
[Flashback shows Rob waiting at a bus stop]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Whispering to himself] I'm Dr. Wrecker, no no, you just got wrecked. I'm Dr. Wrecker -
[Flashback fast-forwards from evening to night]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Voice-over] Then I realized it's Sunday, and the buses stop early on a Sunday.
[The flashback ends]
Darwin: So, you need our help.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Yes.
Darwin: [Sulks]
Gumball: [Whispering] You never apologized for wrecking his cookies.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Did I mention the whole town is about to be wrecked? Because who cares about your cookies?!
Darwin: It was more than cookies! You wrecked my feelings, young man!
Gumball: It's one thing being a nemesis, it's another thing entirely being a bully!
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Oh, for the love of- I'm sorry.
Gumball: [Whispering] I think if you were really sorry, you'd give him a hug.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Are you kidding?! Ah. [Hugs Darwin]
Darwin: Mmm... Okay, I forgive you.
Gumball: Then let's save the town!
[Rob 'runs' while heroic music plays, but it is quickly revealed he is sitting in a desk chair pushed by Gumball and Darwin]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Thanks, guys, you know this outfit pinches when I run.
[Eventually, Gumball, Darwin and Rob make it to the closed area. Electricity sparks out of a control panel exposed by a hole in the wall]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Fix it, minions!
Gumball: What do you mean "fix it?" It's ruined.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Tuts and wags his finger] Wrecked.
Darwin: Okay, okay, there should be a blue, a red, and a yellow wire.
Gumball: Uh-uh.
Darwin: Cut the yellow wire.
Gumball: Okay. [Prepares to cut the wire with his fingers]
Darwin: No no no, wait!
Gumball: What?
Darwin: I have no credentials or diploma. It would be criminally stupid to listen to me.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Hurry up, there's only thirty seconds left. [Looks at watch] I mean twenty-nine. I mean twenty-eight. I mean twenty-seven. I mean twenty-six. I mean - we don't have time to lose! Twenty seconds.
[As Rob counts down, Gumball's hand gets closer and closer to the wires]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Seventeen. Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.
Gumball: I'm sorry, guys, I really don't feel like touching live electrical wires with my bare hands.
[The control panel starts beeping]
Darwin: The dam is gonna burst!
Gumball: This is where it ends!
Darwin: [Hugs Gumball] Then it's important you know: I love you.
Gumball: [Hugs Darwin] And it's important that you know: I really love you.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Gets between them] And it's important that you know: I really, really, really, hate you. [Checks watch] And now, we only have three, two, one...
[They huddle together, bracing themselves for the explosion. A can of soda is ejected and hits Gumball's head]
Gumball: Ow.
Darwin: Eh, I was expecting something more visually interesting.
[Gumball looks over the wall. They were standing right behind a vending machine. Gumball removes the junk in front of the sign]
Gumball: "Elmore auto damage repair center?"
Darwin: Does Elmore even have a dam?
Gumball: No.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Well, this is awkward.
Darwin: Should we just leave?
Gumball: Yes, let's go.

A Failed Nemesis

[On the way home, Rob throws his armor behind, looking depressed]
Gumball: Come on, man, there will be other opportunities to destroy us.
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Sighs] What's the point?
[As they walk down the street, Gumball and Darwin notice the snare trap from earlier. They decide to walk right into it]
Darwin: [Stilted] Oh, no! We got caught by Dr. Wrecker!
Gumball: [Stilted] He will probably leave us to hang here until our heads explode as he does his trademark evil laugh.
[A confused Rob looks at Gumball, who smiles and gestures to him]
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: [Laughs evilly] You just got wrecked!
Gumball: Good job, buddy. Now, do you mind getting us down?
Rob​​​​​​​: [Walks away laughing]
Gumball: Dude? Seriously? Please, Bob- I mean, Dr. Wrecker. Please come back!
[Episode ends]
veTAWOGEPISODESfont Transcript
TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
Episode 44
The Inquisition