Walking Down the Street
- [Gumball and Darwin are walking down the street]
- Gumball: I don't see the point of this.
- Darwin: What?
- Gumball: Going for a Sunday walk, there's no payoff! It's like having superpowers but no nemesis to fight.
- Darwin: Is walking a superpower?
- Gumball: If having fun is your nemesis, then yes.
- Darwin: Speaking of nemesis, what happened to that weird-looking guy who swore to be our mortal enemy?
- Gumball: Yeah, he was all like, [Evil voice] "I will be your worst nightmare, I will be the terror of your existence, blah blah blah, threatening things, I WILL BE... YOUR ARCHENEMY." [Normally] Cut to: nothing happens.
- [As Gumball and Darwin walk away, Rob appears behind them and puts a treadmill down. He takes out a car battery and attempts to slingshot it at them]
- Gumball: I mean that's the problem with kids these days, [Just as the car battery is about to reach Darwin, it flings back and hits Rob in the head] they just don't commit to anything. You know who I blame? Over encouraging parents, medals for participation, and schools with no grades.
- [Rob attempts to cut down a telephone pole. As Gumball and Darwin walk closer, he rapidly chops the telephone pole]
- Gumball: And as soon as they fail, they just give up. We can't call them losers [Makes an adorable face] because they tried!
- [Rob finishes chopping the pole, only for it to be suspended by the wires. He notices Gumball and Darwin, then jumps in a nearby bush]
- Gumball: And you know what else I blame? College degrees in graphic design and like, mime. Heh, that's what the world needs. More street artists who can use Shotofop.
- [Rob tries to launch the pole at Gumball and Darwin, but it hits a tree which falls right onto him. He tries to get up but the pole swings back and hits him in the face]
- Gumball: I have two words for you: MILITARY KINDERGARTEN!
- [Rob spills oil on the road and pushes a car down the slope. He cheers but slips]
- Rob: AHHHHH!
- Gumball: Something has to be done about it!
- Darwin: Dude, chill out! Just breathe.
- [Gumball and Darwin take a deep breath and close their eyes. The car takes them to the other side of the road while Rob slides off-screen]
- Gumball: So, no, we won't see our nemesis again. Probably got into a new fad like being a blogger, riding a penny board or whatever.
- Rob: [Walks up to them] I've tried, man, I've tried to be your enemy!
- Darwin: Oh, hi, good to see you!
- Rob: It's not supposed to be good to see me!
- Darwin: Aw, somebody needs a hug!
- [Darwin tries to hug Rob, but he pushes him back, causing the oil to make Rob slide away]
- Gumball: What was that?
- Rob: It's the oil from the trap.
- Darwin: What trap?
- Rob: Just one of the five hundred and sixty-three traps I set for you guys! Like this one! [Grabs a rope attached to a nearby tree hidden with leaves, then sighs] Look, I don't think I’m capable. Just forget about me. Like everyone else has.
- [Rob starts walking but the oil makes him walk on the spot]
- Rob: Would you mind?
- [Darwin pushes Rob, who slowly slides away]
- Darwin: Should we go...?
- Gumball: Yeah, all right. [Starts walking away]
- Darwin: No! I mean go after...
- Gumball: Yeah, I know. I was just messing with ya.
- Darwin: [Runs after Rob] Dude, come back!
- Gumball: [Runs after Rob with Darwin, so his dialogue gets quieter] We'll help you become so evil that you'll grow a goatee!
- [A bit later, the three of them are seen riding a bus]
In the Bus
- Gumball: [Whispering] It's really sad that our nemesis rides the bus.
- Rob: I can hear you.
- Gumball: Yeah, well, I hoped you'd be nutty enough to ride around on a bike made out of human bones, but here you are taking the bus. Not even as scary as that weird cat lady! [To Alison] No offense.
- Alison: Don't listen to them, Martin, I know you're a real boy.
- [Martin meows angrily and scratches Alison's face]
- Darwin: Maybe he'd look more evil if he had an ominous theme tune.
- Gumball: Dude, what's your name?
- Rob: Rob.
- Gumball and Darwin: [Singing] Bob bob. Bada ba bob. Bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob, bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob, BADA BOB!
- Rob: It's Rob!
- Gumball and Darwin: [Singing] Rob rob rob rob rob rob...
- [Rob shakes his head and covers his face with his hands]
- Alison: I would have gone for something more like: [singing] Robitous! Ominous! On the bus! Robitous ominous on the bus!
- Marvin: No, what about: [Imitates a theremin] Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob!
- Sussie: No, no, no, no, what about: [Does little noises then one single loud bass beat] ROB!
- [Everyone on the bus continues making noises, much to Rob's chagrin. The bus stops at the parking lot of the mall]
- [Rob leaves the bus in a huff]
- Gumball: Rob! Dude, Rob! Rob! Rob, come back! Rob! [He and Darwin follow Rob into the mall]
In the Mall
- [Cut to inside the mall, where Rob is seen sniffing some melons. Gumball gasps]
- Gumball: That's it! That's what he’s missing!
- Darwin: Melons?
- Gumball: No, he needs a villainous name like, "Dr. something."
- Darwin: Dr. Fruity?
- Gumball: Meh.
- Darwin: Dr. Dandruff?
- Gumball: Dr. Ethically-sourced-tuna-fish!
- Darwin: Dr. Jerky!
- Gumball: Dr. Moisturizer!
- Darwin: Dr. Old-man-reaching-for-a-jar-of-olives?
- Old man: Yes?
- Darwin: Never mind...
- [Gumball and Darwin follow Rob out of the market]
- Gumball: Come on, man, give us something to work with.
- Darwin: How about Dr. Fuzz?
- Gumball: Yeah, or Dr. [Imitates static]
- Darwin: It’s more like Dr. [Imitates static]
- [Gumball and Darwin keep making noises resembling static until Rob throws his groceries on the ground and starts screaming]
- [He stomps on his groceries. Gumball then takes a really deep breath, and Rob stops freaking out, looking worried for him]
- Rob: Are you ok?
- Gumball: [Strained] Just having a eureka moment. What about...
- [Gumball suddenly looks like a superhero comic character with glowing eyes, as lightning strikes behind him]
- Gumball: [Evil voice] DR. WRECKER!
- Rob: I...! I... I like it. [In a squeaky voice] Dr. Wrecker!
- Gumball: We're gonna have to work on the voice.
Making a Nemesis
- [Cut to the Wattersons' house. Gumball, Darwin and Rob are in the living room]
- Gumball: Okay, try the British accent again.
- Rob: [Slightly high-pitched, rolling 'r's] I will destroy ye and everyone ye love.
- Gumball: Eh, sounds like a cat being strangled by another cat who's also being strangled. Underwater. Okay, hold on. [Grabs a remote and aims it at Rob, going through different menus] No, no, color, no... Sharpness? No... Subtitles, nah... Ah, there! [Changes language to "English"] Try again.
- Rob: [High-pitched, feminine] I will destroy you and everyone you love.
- Gumball: Hold on, I need to adjust the bass. [Presses a button on the remote] Okay, again.
- Rob: [High-pitched and feminine, so loud the house shakes] I will destroy you and everyone you love.
- Gumball: Sorry, sorry! That was the volume! Okay. [Presses another button] Again?
- Rob: [In a deep voice] I will destroy you and everyone you love!
- [Gumball and Darwin gasp in admiration and Rob looks at them happily]
- Rob: I am Dr. Wrecker, kneel before Dr. Wrecker, Dr. Wrecker is-
- Gumball: [Mutes Rob] Okay, calm down. Next we need to get you an outfit.
- [A sequence shows different pieces of armor appearing on Rob. It is interrupted by Gumball throwing a cardboard helmet at Rob, who is standing on the chair in Gumball and Darwin's room]
- Rob: Ow! This is ridiculous, why do I have to get dressed like this?
- Gumball: Because you don't see villains spending ten minutes hopping on one foot, pushing their leg through their armored pants! Come on, lower your head. [Throws helmet again, knocking Rob off the chair] Maybe you just put the helmet on yourself.
- Rob: [Puts on helmet] I am Dr. Wrecker! [Weak laughing] No, that's not right. Ha, ha, ha! No no no, still not right. Ha ha ha ha! No, that's not good.
- Darwin: Our evil baby's almost ready to go out into the big, wide world.
- Gumball: And destroy it.
- Darwin: This calls for a celebration!
- [Gumball and Darwin crawl out of the room]
- Rob: Ah ha ha! [Goes downstairs] Ha ha ha! How did that sound? Guys? Guys! Hello?
- [Rob finds Gumball and Darwin, looking hunched and with yellow and creepy eyes.]
- Darwin and Gumball: [Blow party horns] Happy evil day, master!
- [The room is decorated with birthday supplies with skulls drawn over them and a "HAPPY EVIL DAY" banner. Rob takes a Daisy the Donkey paper plate with eyebrows, red eyes, and sharp teeth drawn on the face]
- Gumball: [In evil voice] I'm sorry, master. It was kind of hard to buy evil stuff online without ticking a box saying I was eighteen, so we had to improvise.
- Rob: What is all this?
- Darwin: [In evil voice] We've had so much fun, we'd rather be your minions than your enemies. A cookie for the master? [Hands a plate of skull-shaped cookies to Rob]
- Rob: You think this is a game? You think that because you helped me find myself, I'm no longer your enemy? You think we’re friends? I am Dr. Wrecker and before long, you will be wreck-tified!
- Darwin: [In normal voice] What does that mean?
- Gumball: [In normal voice] Doesn't really make sense.
- Rob: Yes, I'm not 100% on the catchphrase yet. But this is what I do to your friendship! [Throws the cookie plate on the floor and stomps on it]
- Darwin: [Tears up]
- Rob: Mark my words: I will destroy you and everyone you love! [Slams the front door as he leaves]
- Gumball: Who would’ve thought in creating a monster, we'd create a monster?
Wrecking Elmore
- [At nighttime, Gumball is trying to comfort Darwin when the doorbell rings. They open the door]
- Gumball: Oh, our little "friend" has come back to play.
- Rob: I'm afraid it has become a little more serious than that. I set in process a series of events so magnificent in their conception that it will destroy-
- Gumball: Wreck.
- Rob: -that it will wreck the whole of Elmore and everyone in it, but mostly you. And where better to wreak maximum damage than the Elmore dam?
- [A flashback shows Rob sneaking into a closed area, where a sign reads "Elmore Dam"]
- Rob: [Voice-over] I knew if I wrecked the control room, the whole town would flood.
- [Rob knocks on a metal door in the flashback]
- Rob: [Voice-over] A door like this would present a problem to a mere mortal but not to Dr. Wrecker and his wrecking ball! [Rides a wrecking ball in the flashback]
- [The flashback stops]
- Gumball: [Voice-over] Wait, you hired a wrecking ball?
- Rob: [Voice-over] You bet!
- [The flashback restarts. Rob smashes the wrecking ball into the wall beside the door, breaking it. He stands up]
- Rob: You just got wrecked!
- [The broken wall reveals a control panel with electricity and water coming out of it. The flashback stops]
- Gumball: Stylish entrance, check. Global threat, check. Use of improved catchphrase, "you just got wrecked," check. The final category is getting away in style.
- Rob: Ah, well, I was going to escape by bus.
- [Flashback shows Rob waiting at a bus stop]
- Rob: [Whispering to himself] I'm Dr. Wrecker, no no, you just got wrecked. I'm Dr. Wrecker -
- [Flashback fast-forwards from evening to night]
- Rob: [Voice-over] Then I realized it's Sunday, and the buses stop early on a Sunday.
- [The flashback ends]
- Darwin: So, you need our help.
- Rob: Yes.
- Darwin: [Sulks]
- Gumball: [Whispering] You never apologized for wrecking his cookies.
- Rob: Did I mention the whole town is about to be wrecked? Because who cares about your cookies?!
- Darwin: It was more than cookies! You wrecked my feelings, young man!
- Gumball: It's one thing being a nemesis, it's another thing entirely being a bully!
- Rob: Oh, for the love of- I'm sorry.
- Gumball: [Whispering] I think if you were really sorry, you'd give him a hug.
- Rob: Are you kidding?! Ah. [Hugs Darwin]
- Darwin: Mmm... Okay, I forgive you.
- Gumball: Then let's save the town!
- [Rob 'runs' while heroic music plays, but it is quickly revealed he is sitting in a desk chair pushed by Gumball and Darwin]
- Rob: Thanks, guys, you know this outfit pinches when I run.
- [Eventually, Gumball, Darwin and Rob make it to the closed area. Electricity sparks out of a control panel exposed by a hole in the wall]
- Rob: Fix it, minions!
- Gumball: What do you mean "fix it?" It's ruined.
- Rob: [Tuts and wags his finger] Wrecked.
- Darwin: Okay, okay, there should be a blue, a red, and a yellow wire.
- Gumball: Uh-uh.
- Darwin: Cut the yellow wire.
- Gumball: Okay. [Prepares to cut the wire with his fingers]
- Darwin: No no no, wait!
- Gumball: What?
- Darwin: I have no credentials or diploma. It would be criminally stupid to listen to me.
- Rob: Hurry up, there's only thirty seconds left. [Looks at watch] I mean twenty-nine. I mean twenty-eight. I mean twenty-seven. I mean twenty-six. I mean - we don't have time to lose! Twenty seconds.
- [As Rob counts down, Gumball's hand gets closer and closer to the wires]
- Rob: Seventeen. Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.
- Gumball: I'm sorry, guys, I really don't feel like touching live electrical wires with my bare hands.
- [The control panel starts beeping]
- Darwin: The dam is gonna burst!
- Gumball: This is where it ends!
- Darwin: [Hugs Gumball] Then it's important you know: I love you.
- Gumball: [Hugs Darwin] And it's important that you know: I really love you.
- Rob: [Gets between them] And it's important that you know: I really, really, really, hate you. [Checks watch] And now, we only have three, two, one...
- [They huddle together, bracing themselves for the explosion. A can of soda is ejected and hits Gumball's head]
- Gumball: Ow.
- Darwin: Eh, I was expecting something more visually interesting.
- [Gumball looks over the wall. They were standing right behind a vending machine. Gumball removes the junk in front of the sign]
- Gumball: "Elmore auto damage repair center?"
- Darwin: Does Elmore even have a dam?
- Gumball: No.
- [Silence]
- Rob: Well, this is awkward.
- Darwin: Should we just leave?
- Gumball: Yes, let's go.
A Failed Nemesis
- [On the way home, Rob throws his armor behind, looking depressed]
- Gumball: Come on, man, there will be other opportunities to destroy us.
- Rob: [Sighs] What's the point?
- [As they walk down the street, Gumball and Darwin notice the snare trap from earlier. They decide to walk right into it]
- Darwin: [Stilted] Oh, no! We got caught by Dr. Wrecker!
- Gumball: [Stilted] He will probably leave us to hang here until our heads explode as he does his trademark evil laugh.
- [A confused Rob looks at Gumball, who smiles and gestures to him]
- Rob: [Laughs evilly] You just got wrecked!
- Gumball: Good job, buddy. Now, do you mind getting us down?
- Rob: [Walks away laughing]
- Gumball: Dude? Seriously? Please, Bob- I mean, Dr. Wrecker. Please come back!
- [Episode ends]
v • e Transcript |
Episode 1 The DVD |
Episode 2 The Responsible |
Episode 3 The Third |
Episode 4 The Debt |
Episode 5 The End |
Episode 6 The Dress |
Episode 7 The Quest |
Episode 8 The Spoon |
Episode 9 The Pressure |
Episode 10 The Painting |
Episode 11 The Laziest |
Episode 12 The Ghost |
Episode 13 The Mystery |
Episode 14 The Prank |
Episode 15 The Gi |
Episode 16 The Kiss |
Episode 17 The Party |
Episode 18 The Refund |
Episode 19 The Robot |
Episode 20 The Picnic |
Episode 21 The Goons |
Episode 22 The Secret |
Episode 23 The Sock |
Episode 24 The Genius |
Episode 25 The Poltergeist |
Episode 26 The Mustache |
Episode 27 The Date |
Episode 28 The Club |
Episode 29 The Wand |
Episode 30 The Ape |
Episode 31 The Car |
Episode 32 The Curse |
Episode 33 The Microwave |
Episode 34 The Meddler |
Episode 35 The Helmet |
Episode 36 The Fight |
Episode 1 The Remote |
Episode 2 The Colossus |
Episode 3 The Knights |
Episode 4 The Fridge |
Episode 5 The Flower |
Episode 6 The Banana |
Episode 7 The Phone |
Episode 8 The Job |
Episode 9 Halloween |
Episode 10 The Treasure |
Episode 11 The Apology |
Episode 12 The Words |
Episode 13 The Skull |
Episode 14 The Bet |
Episode 15 Christmas |
Episode 16 The Watch |
Episode 17 The Bumpkin |
Episode 18 The Flakers |
Episode 19 The Authority |
Episode 20 The Virus |
Episode 21 The Pony |
Episode 22 The Hero |
Episode 23 The Dream |
Episode 24 The Sidekick |
Episode 25 The Photo |
Episode 26 The Tag |
Episode 27 The Storm |
Episode 28 The Lesson |
Episode 29 The Game |
Episode 30 The Limit |
Episode 31 The Voice |
Episode 32 The Promise |
Episode 33 The Castle |
Episode 34 The Boombox |
Episode 35 The Tape |
Episode 36 The Sweaters |
Episode 37 The Internet |
Episode 38 The Plan |
Episode 39 The World |
Episode 40 The Finale |
Episode 1 The Kids |
Episode 2 The Fan |
Episode 3 The Coach |
Episode 4 The Joy |
Episode 5 The Puppy |
Episode 6 The Recipe |
Episode 7 The Name |
Episode 8 The Extras |
Episode 9 The Gripes |
Episode 10 The Vacation |
Episode 11 The Fraud |
Episode 12 The Void |
Episode 13 The Boss |
Episode 14 The Move |
Episode 15 The Law |
Episode 16 The Allergy |
Episode 17 The Mothers |
Episode 18 The Password |
Episode 19 The Procrastinators |
Episode 20 The Shell |
Episode 21 The Burden |
Episode 22 The Bros |
Episode 23 The Mirror |
Episode 24 The Man |
Episode 25 The Pizza |
Episode 26 The Lie |
Episode 27 The Butterfly |
Episode 28 The Question |
Episode 29 The Saint |
Episode 30 The Friend |
Episode 31 The Oracle |
Episode 32 The Safety |
Episode 33 The Society |
Episode 34 The Spoiler |
Episode 35 The Countdown |
Episode 36 The Nobody |
Episode 37 The Downer |
Episode 38 The Egg |
Episode 39 The Triangle |
Episode 40 The Money |
Episode 1 The Return |
Episode 2 The Nemesis |
Episode 3 The Crew |
Episode 4 The Others |
Episode 5 The Signature |
Episode 6 The Check |
Episode 7 The Pest |
Episode 8 The Sale |
Episode 9 The Gift |
Episode 10 The Parking |
Episode 11 The Routine |
Episode 12 The Upgrade |
Episode 13 The Comic |
Episode 14 The Romantic |
Episode 15 The Uploads |
Episode 16 The Apprentice |
Episode 17 The Hug |
Episode 18 The Wicked |
Episode 19 The Traitor |
Episode 20 The Origins |
Episode 21 The Origins: Part Two |
Episode 22 The Girlfriend |
Episode 23 The Advice |
Episode 24 The Signal |
Episode 25 The Parasite |
Episode 26 The Love |
Episode 27 The Awkwardness |
Episode 28 The Nest |
Episode 29 The Points |
Episode 30 The Bus |
Episode 31 The Night |
Episode 32 The Misunderstandings |
Episode 33 The Roots |
Episode 34 The Blame |
Episode 35 The Slap |
Episode 36 The Detective |
Episode 37 The Fury |
Episode 38 The Compilation |
Episode 39 The Scam |
Episode 40 The Disaster |
Episode 1 The Rerun |
Episode 2 The Stories |
Episode 3 The Guy |
Episode 4 The Boredom |
Episode 5 The Vision |
Episode 6 The Choices |
Episode 7 The Code |
Episode 8 The Test |
Episode 9 The Slide |
Episode 10 The Loophole |
Episode 11 The Fuss |
Episode 12 The Copycats |
Episode 13 The Potato |
Episode 14 The Outside |
Episode 15 The Vase |
Episode 16 The Matchmaker |
Episode 17 The Box |
Episode 18 The Console |
Episode 19 The Ollie |
Episode 20 The Catfish |
Episode 21 The Cycle |
Episode 22 The Stars |
Episode 23 The Grades |
Episode 24 The Diet |
Episode 25 The Ex |
Episode 26 The Sorcerer |
Episode 27 The Menu |
Episode 28 The Uncle |
Episode 29 The Weirdo |
Episode 30 The Heist |
Episode 31 The Singing |
Episode 32 The Best |
Episode 33 The Worst |
Episode 34 The Deal |
Episode 35 The Petals |
Episode 36 The Nuisance |
Episode 37 The Line |
Episode 38 The List |
Episode 39 The News |
Episode 40 The Puppets |
Episode 1 The Rival |
Episode 2 The Lady |
Episode 3 The Sucker |
Episode 4 The Vegging |
Episode 5 The One |
Episode 6 The Father |
Episode 7 The Cringe |
Episode 8 The Cage |
Episode 9 The Neighbor |
Episode 10 The Anybody |
Episode 11 The Faith |
Episode 12 The Candidate |
Episode 13 The Pact |
Episode 14 The Shippening |
Episode 15 The Brain |
Episode 16 The Parents |
Episode 17 The Founder |
Episode 18 The Schooling |
Episode 19 The Intelligence |
Episode 20 The Potion |
Episode 21 The Spinoffs |
Episode 22 The Transformation |
Episode 23 The Understanding |
Episode 24 The Ad |
Episode 25 The Ghouls |
Episode 26 The Stink |
Episode 27 The Awareness |
Episode 28 The Slip |
Episode 29 The Drama |
Episode 30 The Buddy |
Episode 31 The Possession |
Episode 32 The Master |
Episode 33 The Silence |
Episode 34 The Future |
Episode 35 The Wish |
Episode 36 The Factory |
Episode 37 The Agent |
Episode 38 The Web |
Episode 39 The Mess |
Episode 40 The Heart |
Episode 41 The Revolt |
Episode 42 The Decisions |
Episode 43 The BFFS |
Episode 44 The Inquisition |