The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

"The Mess" is the thirty-ninth episode of Season 6 of The Amazing World of Gumball. It is the 235th episode overall.


Gumball and Darwin baby-sit, then baby-lose, Penny's little sister.



Important details about the plot or story are up ahead

(Skip section)

The episode starts with Gumball talking to Penny on the phone. Penny asks Gumball if he is able to babysit her little sister. Gumball remarks that he is quite responsible, but Penny says he is the one who is responsible if things go south (she is saying this as Gumball struggles to gain his footing). Gumball reveals he has bought everything on the list Penny gave him, but the list she gave him was of Polly's allergies. Gumball promptly throws the food away and reveals that he has toddler-proofed the house, installing a security system and a camera. Penny makes Gumball promise that he will not stay up playing games, but Gumball remarks that they do not stay up playing games, but to watch others play games. Gumball promises, but immediately breaks that promise when he and Darwin stay up watching a very long video.

While the boys watch the video, the time abruptly shifts to the next day, when Penny arrives with Polly and immediately notices the boys' bloodshot eyes, remarking they look like "saggy oysters." Gumball reaches out for Polly, who shows him a picture she drew of "Bigfoot," which is a Monty Python-esque foot saying "Hi." Penny says she will be back after she and her family see a movie. Penny confides in Gumball, trusting him, but he and Darwin black out.

Gumball wakes up to see himself making some sort of "meat snowman." When he regains his ground, Gumball immediately backs away in fear. Meanwhile, Darwin is in the living room with a cat that looks like Gumball. They then realize Polly is missing, and frantically search for her. Gumball decides to order a cab to find her, but blacks out again.

They wake up, but they are not in their cab, but in a police car which is upside-down. Panicking once again, Gumball frantically asks the sleeping officer to do something, but he does not, and the car only just misses heavy traffic. Soon afterwards, the car crashes into a street light. Gumball asks Darwin what is happening, remarking that the events are like their lives "being edited by a thirteen-year-old vlogger or something." As he says that, the footage of the two are modified with video effects. Darwin theorizes that each time they blink, time skips, so he proposes that he and Gumball do not close their eyes until Polly is found. Just then Gumball's phone vibrates, and receives a notification, saying that their cab is here. However, said cab crashes into the totaled police car, causing both cars to explode as Gumball and Darwin black out again.

They wake up as Gumball is beating Jeff to death. Darwin pleads for him to stop, as they may have got what they wanted. Gumball asks if Polly is in the briefcase Darwin is holding, but money falls out of it instead. Darwin asks Gumball what he is going to do about the unconscious Jeff's body, but Gumball seems to prioritize looking for Polly first. Gumball immediately turns his attention to Jeff and tries to cover up his tracks, all unsuccessfully. Gumball punches Jeff one last time, who awakens and comes for the boys, just as they black out once again, and wake up at a fair, being roared at by Tina. Gumball, taking a stand, tries to fight Tina with a toy of a bullfrog playing harp, using it as a slingshot. He blacks out as he takes his shot.

The boys wake up at their house, where Patrick and Judith compliment Gumball and Darwin for their responsibility, while Penny is clearly steamed by their irresponsibility. As they look around, worrying that Polly is gone, it turns out the peanut was actually with them the whole time. Gumball and Darwin, relieved, embrace Polly. As Gumball notices Penny's ticked-off expression, he (awkwardly) tries to make a conversation with Patrick and Judith. This is when Penny, enraged, asks the boys what happened, pointing to Gumball's swollen eye, the fake Gumball, the meat snowman, Darwin's swollen lips, and the toy Gumball used earlier. Gumball explains that he and Darwin lost Polly, and Penny asks him what happened next. It turns out Gumball does not know what happened, but Polly does. Polly explains what happened: it started when she arrived. When a drowsy Gumball put her on the sofa, he asked her if she wants an orange juice. When he opened the fridge, he got frozen, and immediately afterwards sang a modified version of "Jingle Bells," with modified lyrics. He did this as he built a meat snowman. Meanwhile, Darwin asked the fake Gumball to put his trousers on, but the cat attacked him. All of this is happening while Polly looks on, confused. They then started to harmonize drowsily.

Meanwhile, Polly, who got bored while the boys continued to "harmonize," went to the backyard, and when she came back, they were gone - outside. The Donut Cop reprimands Gumball and Darwin for "jaywalking," even though they clearly did not. They get in the police car, which surprises him. The sheriff takes them downtown, leaving Polly alone. Gumball tries to turn on the radio, citing the police siren as a "tune" with "no lyrics;" by doing so, he inadvertently creates a tune. This sends the car out of control. Polly says the boys went to town to look for her, while Jeff eats numerous mints in a row and subsequently chokes. When Jeff asks Gumball for help, the cat throws him into a trash can instead, knocking him out. Gumball and Darwin then try to save Jeff, but he eventually drops unconscious. Polly tells the boys to give Jeff CPR, which Gumball misinterprets as bashing Jeff in the face repeatedly.

Gumball asks if Polly was in fact following them the whole time, which Penny sarcastically answers that Polly "used the Force to appear to Gumball as a hologram." Gumball asks Penny for an explanation to that, to which the fairy, enraged, transforms into her minotaur form and yells at him, saying Polly obviously was with the boys. Polly corrects Gumball when he says Jeff "attacked him and Darwin," saying Jeff was in reality hugging them in gratitude for saving him. Jeff then requests Gumball and Darwin to ask him anything they want, which is how Gumball obtained the stuffed bullfrog playing the harp. And it is revealed the "fight" with Tina was not actually a fight, it was because Tina, enraged, roared at Gumball due to him not letting Tina kiss Darwin (the boys were holding a kissing booth), causing him to misinterpret this as a threat. However, Gumball knocks himself out, while Tina goes in for the kiss, which is how Darwin's lips swelled up.

Now Gumball asks Polly how he and Darwin ended up back home, and she reveals they took the bus home. Exhausted, Gumball and Darwin prepare to sleep, but Penny begins yelling at them. Throughout all of this, the boys black out again, and wake up to hear Penny, now exhausted, insulting them with the last of her insults. Gumball apologizes to Penny, but the fairy angrily says "I'll think about it."

Gumball remarks to Darwin that he was disappointed with the bus ending, to which Darwin agrees and they both go to sleep. It is revealed that the bus crashed on top of the house as the episode ends.

End spoilers


Main characters

Minor characters

Production music


  • It was revealed in this episode that Polly is allergic to nuts and mold spores.
  • The fourth wall is broken when Gumball says their lives feel as though they are being edited by a thirteen-year-old vlogger, upon which the episode is edited in an eccentric manner.
  • Running gags: The screen fading to black every time Gumball and Darwin blink or close their eyes.


Cultural references

  • The plot of this episode is based on the 2009 movie The Hangover.
    • The cat found by Gumball when he wakes up is similar to the tiger found by the main characters of the aforementioned movie.
  • The foot drawn by Polly is a reference to Monty Python's Flying Circus.
  • Penny sarcastically remarks that Polly "used the Force to appear to Gumball as a hologram," which is a reference to the Force and Force Ghosts in Star Wars. She also mentions a hologram, which is a reference to a common form of transmission in the franchise.
  • When Tina roars at Gumball, the sound is the same as the T. rex's roar from the Jurassic Park franchise.

Other titles

  • Español Latinoamericano (Latin American Spanish): El Desastre (The Disaster)
  • Polski (Polish): Bałagan (The Mess)
  • العربية (Arabic): الفوضى (The Mess)
  • Български (Bulgarian): Бъркотията (The Mess)
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): Rắc Rối (The Trouble)
  • Türkçe (Turkish): Karmaşa (The Mess)
  • 日本語 (Japanese): ハチャメチャ・ベビーシッター (Messed Up Babysitter)


TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
Episode 1
The Burger
Episode 2
The Assistant
Episode 3
The Distance
Episode 4
The Butts
Episode 5
The Thing
Episode 6
The Cheerleader
Episode 7
The Astrological
Episode 8
The Letter
Episode 9
The App
Episode 10
The Traffic
Episode 11
The Boring
Episode 12
The Portrait
Episode 13
The Cancellationgation
Episode 14
The Gut
Episode 15
The Repression
Episode 16
The Eagles
Episode 17
The Trumpet
Episode 18
The Speedrun
Episode 19
The Gourmet
Episode 20
The Climb
Episode 21
The Teacher
Episode 22
The Summoning
Episode 23
The Survivalists
Episode 24
The Homework
Episode 25
The Scooter
Episode 26
The Proposal
To edit the gallery, click here.


Animation stills


TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
Episode 1
The Burger
Episode 2
The Assistant
Episode 3
The Distance
Episode 4
The Butts
Episode 5
The Thing
Episode 6
The Cheerleader
Episode 7
The Astrological
Episode 8
The Letter
Episode 9
The App
Episode 10
The Traffic
Episode 11
The Boring
Episode 12
The Portrait
Episode 13
The Cancellationgation
Episode 14
The Gut
Episode 15
The Repression
Episode 16
The Eagles
Episode 17
The Trumpet
Episode 18
The Speedrun
Episode 19
The Gourmet
Episode 20
The Climb
Episode 21
The Teacher
Episode 22
The Summoning
Episode 23
The Survivalists
Episode 24
The Homework
Episode 25
The Scooter
Episode 26
The Proposal
To edit the transcript, click here.

No Sleep

[The episode starts with Gumball and Penny talking on the phone]
Penny: So you're sure it's not a problem to babysit my little sister tomorrow?
Gumball: Ah, Penny, please. I'm the most responsible kid I know.
Penny: I agree. Usually when something goes wrong, you're the one responsible.
Gumball: Pfft, come on! I might struggle for, like, half an hour or so, but after I find my footing I— ahh! [Falls off the stool]
Penny: What?
[Gumball tries to get up using a cabinet, but manages to pull it out instead]
Gumball: Uh, nothing, nothing. [Opens a cabinet] So, yeah. I bought all the stuff on the list you gave me: peanuts, almonds, cashews, mold spores...
Penny: That was a list of her allergies.
Gumball[Upon hearing this, promptly throws what he bought for Polly in the trash] That's what I'm saying! There's none left in the place.
Penny: Okay, so the house is toddler-proofed?
Gumball: Sure is! 
[Camera cuts to Felicity and Billy looking at the fence around the Wattersons' house, as a camera tracks them] 
Gumball: [Off-screen] I can't see any baby breaking in here.
Penny: Okay, but promise you won't stay up all night playing games online, like you always do.
Gumball: Uh, we didn't stay up all night playing games online. We stayed up all night watching other people playing games online whilst talking about what it feels like to play games online.
Gumball: All right. I prom—
[Cuts to Gumball and Darwin watching a long video called "Awesome shot!!!!!1" at night with suspenseful music playing in the background]
Darwin: Dude, I told you, it's a troll GIF. It's just looping.
Gumball: Just one more minute...
[Cuts to morning with a rooster crowing in the background]
[In the video, the man shoots the arrow, popping all five balloons as Gumball and Darwin cheer]
Gumball and Darwin: Eyyyy.
Gumball: Totally worth it.
[Doorbell rings]
Gumball: OH, NO! PENNY!
[Gumball and Darwin tiredly open the door and wave to Penny and Polly]
Gumball: Oh, hi.
Penny: [Sighs] You've been up all night, haven't you? Your eyes look like saggy oysters.
Gumball: Oh, we're fine. [Reaches out for Polly] Where is the little peanut?
Polly[Giggles] I made you a picture! [Shows a drawing of a foot saying "Hi" to Gumball]
Gumball: Aww, thank you! What is it?
Polly: It's Bigfoot!
Gumball: So it is.
Polly[Hugs Gumball] Hee!
Penny: Okay, we'll be back from the movie at four. Can you manage her till then?
Gumball: [Yawns] Don't worry, I'll take it from here.
Penny: Thanks, Gumball. Bye, Polly! [Walks off]
Polly: Bye!
Gumball: I think everything will be just [He and Darwin fall asleep, blacking out] fiiii...

Polly "Disappears"

[Later in the day: Gumball is putting together something that vaguely resembles a snowman made of meat. When he realizes what he is doing, he screams in fear and inches away]
Darwin: [Off-screen] Gumball, what's happening?!
Gumball: Uh, I don't know, man!
Darwin: [Off-screen] Something's wrong with us! Check our symptoms ​on the Internet!
Gumball: I'm not sure searching online for "meat snowman surprise" would yield the most constructive results! WHERE ARE YOU?!
[Darwin is in the living room with a fat cat wearing heels that looks like Gumball]
Darwin: In the middle of losing my mind, I think.
[A panicking Gumball runs in]
Gumball: Dude! WHERE IS POLLY?!
Darwin: Polly?!
Gumball: Polly?!
Darwin: Polly?!
Gumball: Polly?!
Gumball: [Checks in the microwave...] Polly?
Darwin: [...In the toilet...] Polly?
Gumball: [...In the fridge...] Polly?
Darwin: [...And in a potato chip bag] Polly!
[They're in their room. Gumball looks at Darwin disbelievingly, then smacks the bag away]
Gumball: We have to find her!
Darwin: [Deliriously] Or we dress me like Polly, her parents take me back with them, I join their family, and they raise me as their daughter. Twenty years later - "Congratulations, Penny's sister, you're gonna be a mother!"
Gumball: ...What?
Darwin: Then I move to the suburbs with Pompadour, my rainbow frog husband, and raise a couple of windmills and... [Gumball slaps him and he comes to his senses] Yeah! We need to find her!
[The brothers go outside, walking drowsily]
Darwin: Should we just order a cab?
Gumball: Yeah, that should help us cover a little bit more of the neighborhood.
[The brothers fix their postures. Gumball and Darwin attempt to order a cab but they black out just as it is ordered]

Finding Polly

[The brothers wake up in an upside-down police car. They notice and fall down from their seats. They shout in fear as they realize what is going on]
Gumball: Officer, do something! Please do something!
[The car goes through a traffic jam, and somehow makes it out of there in one piece]
Darwin: Officer, wake up!
Donut Cop: Uh... Agh! Wh... Why did you guys wake me up?!
Gumball: [Dispels all previous traces of fear] Because we're in a car sliding down the road upside-down.
Donut Cop: Well, thanks. Now I have to deal with two traumatic crashes rather than one!
Gumball: What do you mean?
[The car crashes into a lamp post. Gumball and Darwin remove a window and pull the sheriff out]
Gumball: What is happening here, man?! It's like our lives [As he says the following lines, the picture glitches out] are being editededitededited by a thirteen-year old [Glitches out] vlogger or something. One minute, we're here [High-pitched] and the next thing we know, we're like "Raaaaaaaa!" and two minutes later we're like "Wooyooyooyooyoo!" and that leaves me completely like [Groaning]. You know what I mean?
Darwin: I'm not sure. But it seems like every time we blink, time skips forward. So I say we don't close our eyes until we find Polly.
Gumball: I agree. [His phone vibrates, pulls it out] "Your cab is arriving."

Mugging a Corncob

[...But when it does, it crashes into the police car, which totals both in a big explosion which makes Gumball and Darwin close their eyes. When they wake up, Gumball is punching Jeff and Darwin trying to stop him]
Darwin: No, stop it, stop it!!! Stop! No, stop it! Stop!
Gumball: WHAT?!!
Darwin: I think we already got what we wanted...
Gumball: [Referring to the briefcase Darwin is holding] Polly's in there?
[Money comes out of the case. Shocked, both boys shout]
Gumball: WHERE IS SHE?!
Gumball: BUT POLLY--
Gumball: Okay, okay! We, uh, we... we... we make it look like it happened through natural causes!
Darwin: What? How?
[Gumball puts a note saying "ExERcise BLows"]
Gumball: There, like this.
Darwin: "Exercise blows"?
Gumball: ...Yeah, maybe not. Oh, I know! We'll make it look like an accident!
[results are shown: Jeff is in a canoe, grasping an oar as Gumball looks pleased and Darwin concerned]
Gumball: There! A canoe accident. ...No, that's not quite right. ...Oh!
[Gumball puts on a radio and poses Jeff; he falls over]
Gumball: This isn't working! What do we do?!
[Gumball punches Jeff, reviving him. Both boys shriek in fear as Jeff comes towards them, causing them to black out again, and wake up at a fair, being roared at by Tina. Gumball interprets this as a threat]

The "Fight"

Gumball: [Enraged] OH YEAH, TINA?! WELL, IF THAT'S THE WAY IT IS, GET READY FOR A TASTE OF MY... Uh... [Checks his weapon] MY BULLFROG'S HARP! [Roars]
Gumball: [he picks up a twig and uses it along with his bullfrog's harp as a bow and arrow] BACK OOOOOOOOOOFFFFF!!!!!
Tina: [Roars]
Tina: [Roars]
[Gumball blacks out again]

The Explanation

[Both boys wake up at their house... now looking a tad bit worse for wear]
Patrick: I have to say, boys, I took you for a bunch of slack-jawed buffoons, but... You did a really good job!
[Both boys look at each other, worried. After a bit of suspense, Polly's revealed to be with them!]
Gumball: Oh, my gosh! [He and Darwin hug Polly] You're aliiiiiive [Realizes Penny's glaring at them] child? Con...gratulations, sir! She must take after you! Or-Or, you, Mrs. Fitzgerald. It's hard to tell. You look so alike. Are... you related?
[Both Fitzgerald parents are surprised; Penny glares at him again]
Patrick: Polly, say goodbye and get your stuff. Bye, kids!
[Gumball and Darwin wave after Patrick and Judith. Penny stays and grows more suspicious]
Gumball: Uh, nothing! Why would you say that?
[Penny angrily points to Gumball's black eye, the blue cat dressed up as Gumball, Darwin's bruised lips, the snowman made of meat, and the stuffed bullfrog playing a harp]
Gumball: Okay, okay. We lost her.
Penny: Then what happened?!
Gumball: That's the thing. We don't really know.
Polly: I do. It started when I arrived...
[Flashbacks to when Penny drops off Polly to Gumball and Darwin]
Penny: Thanks, Gumball. Bye, Polly!
Polly: Bye!
Gumball: I think everything will be just [He and Darwin fall asleep] fine...
[Gumball places Polly on the couch]
Gumball: Would you like some orange juice?
Polly: Uh-huh!
[Gumball tiredly walks to the fridge and opens it. Before he gets the orange juice, the fridge chills him and he starts singing while building a snowman made of meat from the fridge]
Gumball: Hey! Jingle dance! Jingle dance! Jingle in your face! Chilling out like sauerkraut who just caught himself a trout! Hey! Jingle dance! Jingle dance! Jingle in your face! Always...
[Gumball continues singing as Polly confusedly stares at him. She then hears Darwin and walks outside]
Darwin: Gumball! Put some clothes on! The neighbors can see you!
[Darwin puts pants on a blue cat outside, who then proceeds to scratch Darwin's face, causing him to scream and jump through the window. Polly follows Darwin inside]
[Flashback ends]
Gumball: Aah! 
[The blue cat walks out of the house] 
Gumball: Well, on the upside, that cat certainly knows how to work those heels, heh...
Penny[Sighs] Okay, what happened next?
Polly: Then they started harmonizing...
[Flashbacks to Gumball and Darwin harmonizing]
Gumball: La la la la laaa
Gumball: La laaa Darwin: La la laaa
Darwin: La la laaa Gumball: La laaa 
Gumball and Darwin: La la laaa la la laaa
[Gumball and Darwin continue harmonizing]
Polly: That went on for about twenty minutes before I got bored and went to the backyard. Then when I came back, they were gone, so I went outside.
[Polly goes outside to meet Gumball and Darwin trying to order a cab while a police officer shows up]
Donut Cop: Hey! What's going on here? Jaywalking, huh?
[Gumball and Darwin climb into the police car]
Donut Cop: What the... Hey!
Gumball: Hey do you have any mints or water?
Donut Cop: What?! Who do you think I am?!
Darwin: Uh, [Points to Doughnut Sheriff's badge] a one-star driver by the looks of it.
Gumball: Yeah, not surprising when you see the state of the back seat. Smells like a turtle tank in here.
Donut Cop: Right. I'm taking you two downtown. Maybe a night in the cells will improve your attitude.
[Siren starts as the police car drives off]
Gumball: Dude, this tune blows. There's no lyrics. Do you mind if I just...
[Gumball tries to "change stations" while the Doughnut Sheriff tries to stop him]
Donut Cop: What the— stop it!
Gumball: I'm just changing stations!
[Gumball fiddles with the radio, causing random conversations to come from it]
Radio: One seven, one seven. X-ray Charlie, X-ray Charlie. One seven, one seven.
Donut Cop: Stop it!
[The police car starts swerving, flips upside down, hits a fire hydrant and proceeds to slides down the road]
Radio: Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. One seven, one seven. X-ray, X-ray, X-ray, X-ray. One seven, one seven.
[The police car continues making noises while Polly watches. Flashback ends]
Gumball: Mm, did they have to call the fire department too? 'Cause that song sounds lit! No? Okay.
Penny: What happened next, Polly?
Polly: Well, they went through town looking for me.
[Flashbacks to when Gumball and Darwin look for Polly in town]
Gumball: Polly!
Darwin: Polly!
[Jeff walks past, smells his breath, and eats some mints. However, he starts choking on one and tries telling Gumball to help him]
Gumball: Oh, I-I know what to do!
[Gumball attempts to do the Heimlich maneuver on Jeff, but drops him on a trash can]
Darwin: That's not how you do it.
Gumball: Well, just... You do it, then.
Darwin[Walks to Jeff] Okay, I would like you to breathe in [Inhales] and breathe out. [Exhales]
[Jeff continues choking]
Darwin: No, no, no. Breathe in. [Inhales] Breathe out. [Exhales] Breathe in. [Inhales] Breathe out. [Exhales]
[Jeff coughs out the mint and faints]
Darwin: There! He's relaxed now.
Polly: You need to give him CPR.
Gumball and Darwin: Ahh, thank you, Polly.
[Darwin tries giving CPR to Jeff's suitcase while Gumball tries to give CPR to Jeff by repeatedly punching his chest. Flashback ends]
Gumball: Wait, you were following us the whole time?
Penny: No, Polly was using the Force to appear to you as a hologram.
Gumball: Right, I’m sure there’s an explanation for that too.
Penny: [Turns into minotaur form] OF COURSE SHE WAS WITH YOU!!!!!
Gumball: Wha-what happened after that guy worked up and attacked us?
Polly: [Flashback] He didn’t attack you, he hugged you!
Jeff: [Hugs the boys] Oh, thank you so much, you saved my life! Anything, ask me for anything you like and I’ll buy it for you!
Gumball: I would like the golden twinkle in an old man’s eye as he holds his infant granddaughter.
Jeff: What?
Gumball: Okay, then I’d like the power to lay eggs.

Jeff: Uhhhhh...

Polly: [Voice-over] That went on for a while, but you finally settled for a... [Flashback ends] stuffed bullfrog that plays the harp.
Darwin: Okay, but what about the fight with Tina?
Polly: That happened when you bumped into a charity worker who asked if you wanted to save a child. They only wanted a couple of dollars but apparently you decided to go above and beyond.
[Flashbacks to when Gumball and Darwin are at the charity fair. Sarah, Hot Dog Guy, Teri, Leslie and Tina are lined up for a kissing booth, with Tina in front]
Gumball: This is all for you, Polly. Okay, Tina, let's get on with it. [Puckers]
Tina: Actually, I'm in line for Darwin.
Gumball: Uh uh uh, sorry, but I'm the only one who's allowed to kiss Darwin. That's in the rulebook. [Displays two waffles with staples sticking them together] Right here.
Tina: That's not a rulebook. That's two potato waffles stapled together.
Gumball: Well if that's how it is then just beat it!
Tina: Then I want my money back.
Gumball: It says on waffle two, no refunds!
Tina: [Roars]
[Gumball hits himself with the stick he was assaulting Tina with and falls down. Tina batts her eyes at at Darwin and goes closer to him as he gasps. The flashback ends]
Gumball: Okay, that explains Darwin's lips but not how we ended up back here.
Polly: Oh, we took the bus.
Gumball: Huh. [Glances at Darwin]
Polly: [Hugs Gumball] Goodbye, now!
[Polly leaves, leaving only Gumball, Penny and Darwin at the door. Gumball yawns]
Gumball: Well, now if you excuse us, I think it's best if we get some sleep and-
Penny: Oh, I don't think so. Not before I'm done screaming at you! I COUNTED ON YOU, YOU GLUTE LORD! YOU GOOF WIZARD! YOU DORK PILOT! YOU DOPE SANDWICH! YOU...FOOL...TACO! YOU MEAT MUFFIN...
[Gumball and Darwin look at each other and close their eyes. They wake up at night, and Penny is still there, exhaustedly screaming at Gumball]
Penny: ...slack jawed slime nugget. You- [Sighs] I think that's all I've got.
Gumball: Sorry. Do you forgive me?
Penny: [Inhales sharply] I'll think about it. [Storms off]
[Gumball and Darwin walk inside and close the door]
Gumball: Yeah, to be honest, I was a little disappointed with the bus ending part.
Darwin: Yeah, I expected more.
Gumball: Eh, anyway, nighty night, dude.
[The bus is revealed to have crashed on top of the Watterson's house. Episode ends]
TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition