The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

"The Meddler" is the thirty-fourth episode of Season 1 of The Amazing World of Gumball.


Nicole meddles in Gumball's school life and ends up ruining it in the process.



Important details about the plot or story are up ahead

(Skip section)

The episode opens with Nicole coming home from a hard day's work and falling asleep on the couch next to Richard, who is busy watching television. Gumball comes home shortly after and tries to share stories about his day at school to his parents, but neither of them pay attention. Feeling neglected, Gumball storms off to his room and accidentally wakes up his mother in the process. Nicole apologizes to Gumball for not paying him much attention and promises that she will spend more time with him the next day.

At school the next morning, Gumball and Darwin run into Penny in the hallway. Gumball asks her if she would like to come and see his new cartwheel trick after school, but she explains that she wants to attend cheerleader try-outs instead. After Gumball embarrasses himself in front of her, he opens his locker and finds his mother cramped inside. Nicole explains to her sons that she followed them to school to give them more attention all week, a plan which they find humiliating. They soon encounter Tina and her gang of bullies in the hallway, who make fun of Gumball and call him a baby. Disapproving of this, Nicole tells her son to respond to Tina's teasing by claiming that she only bullies people because of her own insecurities and shortcomings. This turns out to be correct as Tina runs away in embarrassment soon after, leaving Gumball unscathed.

Jamie admits that standing up to Tina was pretty cool, but reminds him that his mother will not always be there to protect him. In response to this, Nicole takes Gumball by the hand and reassures him that she will be there for him until for as long as she needs to, which her son does not approve of in the least and runs away from her, accidentally running into Principal Brown in the process. Principal Brown ends up having his hair burn multiple times, eventually growing back due to the collision, and gives Gumball eight hours of detention with Nicole's "help." The next day, Nicole continues to embarrass her son, going so far as to "help" bathe him in the shower room and burp him like an infant during lunch.

During lunch, Nicole spots Penny and tries to help Gumball flirt with her by saying that he loves her and wants to take her out on a date, flattering Penny. Gumball, not willing to admit his feelings, slips up in a moment of panic and tells Penny that he never liked her and never will. The heartbroken Penny leaves in tears upon hearing this and Nicole gives Gumball one last tip and pushes him over the edge. Enraged, Gumball tells his mother to go home and that enough is enough— her constant meddling doing more harm than good. Nicole thinks that Darwin has had a good day due to his smiling, but he says his face is just stuck that way now.

On the way to her car, Nicole gets an urgent phone call from Gumball, who explains that he made a bad decision, and rushes back in the building to help him. Initially denying his mother knowledge of what he did, he eventually tells her his plan to try out for the cheerleading squad and win back Penny by beating her at her own game. Though unsure what she can do to help, Gumball then explains to Nicole that he needs her emotional support, so they go to the try-outs.

At the try-outs, Penny performs in front of Principal Brown and Mr. Small, but they are both unimpressed by her performance. She explains to them that she has been having emotional troubles lately, but they stand by their decision and explain that someone would have to be pretty terrible in order for her to make the team. Abruptly, Gumball bursts through the door and after an admittedly awful performance which scores a 'zero' by both judges, Penny is given a spot on the cheerleading team.

Failing his plan at winning over Penny, Gumball is held in his mother's arms while he cries about life being unfair. However, Penny is ecstatic and excitedly thanks Gumball for giving her a chance to be on the team. She assumes that this must mean that he truly does like her and he tearfully agrees.

Gumball is then carried by Nicole to the hall, where Darwin is massaging his cheeks. He starts smiling as soon as Nicole shows up. Then Gumball and Nicole walk away with Nicole telling Gumball that he will be her "Gummypuss" even when he is eighty years old. After they both leave, Darwin's face explodes due to all the excessive smiling he did over the course of the day.

End spoilers


Main characters

Supporting characters

Minor characters


  • This episode aired one day before February 29th, "the leap year" in the US.
  • This episode premiered in France before it aired in the United States.
  • This is the fourth episode to air in the UK before the US. The others were "The Mystery," "The Responsible" and "The Microwave."
  • Whenever Gumball's skirt falls off or is lifted, he can be seen wearing what appeared to be a red thong.


  • Darwin's feet were censored in the showers, playing off how his shoes are the only articles of clothing he wears, despite them being plainly shown in some previous episodes. This is later stated by him in "The Dream."
  • This was the second episode in which Darwin's head explodes. The first one was "The Sock."
  • In the background it is revealed that Elmore Junior High's mascot is a duck, which contradicts earlier episodes that stated the mascot is a mustang. This would later be mentioned by a person in "The Name."

Cultural References


  • When Gumball moves his head to get Richard's attention, Richard's head moves as if he is looking at Gumball.
  • In one scene, Nicole's skirt is colored white.
  • Gumball lost his whiskers at one side when he screamed at his parents.
  • When Nicole is trying to feed Gumball, her bottom is a lot larger than normal.
  • When Gumball attempts a cartwheel for the first time, his tail and butt are visible on his pants, instead of his white button. The next scene also shows this.
  • When Gumball runs upstairs, a door is heard slamming, but when Nicole follows him, it is completely ajar.
  • After Gumball falls on his back, he gets back up but the only shoe on his foot has swapped places. After Mr. Small and Principal Brown exchange confusion, the mistake seems to have corrected itself.
  • Despite losing a shoe during his cheerleader routine, it can be seen on Gumball's foot when he does a split.
  • Gumball's mouth is closed while he hyperventilates after being picked up by Nicole after failing the cheerleading audition.
  • In this episode, Nicole thinks that the nerds are complimenting Gumball when actually making fun of him, but in "The Gi," she is the one who is mature and knows that people are making fun of him while her children think they are fans of his.

Other titles

  • Čeština (Czech): Stíhačka (The Pursuit-plane)
  • Español (Spanish): La Entrometida (The Meddlesome)
  • Français (French): L'envahisseuse (The Invading)
  • Italiano (Italian): Una mamma ficcanaso (A Meddler Mom)
  • Magyar (Hungarian): Minden lében anyu (Meddler Mother)
  • Polski (Polish): Mąciwoda (The Troublemaker)
  • Português (Portuguese): A Intrometida (The Meddlesome)
  • Türkçe (Turkish): Meraklı (The Nosy)
  • Русский (Russian): Липучка (The Flypaper, or The Meddler)
  • Українська (Ukrainian): Липучка (The Flypaper, or The Meddler)
  • Български (Bulgarian): Помощничката (The Assistant)
  • العربية (Arabic): حبيب ماما (Mama's dear)
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): Kẻ Phiền Nhiễu (The Annoying Person)
TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
Episode 1
The Burger
Episode 2
The Assistant
Episode 3
The Distance
Episode 4
The Butts
Episode 5
The Thing
Episode 6
The Cheerleader
Episode 7
The Astrological
Episode 8
The Letter
Episode 9
The App
Episode 10
The Traffic
Episode 11
The Boring
Episode 12
The Portrait
Episode 13
The Cancellationgation
Episode 14
The Gut
Episode 15
The Repression
Episode 16
The Eagles
Episode 17
The Trumpet
Episode 18
The Speedrun
Episode 19
The Gourmet
Episode 20
The Climb
Episode 21
The Teacher
Episode 22
The Summoning
Episode 23
The Survivalists
Episode 24
The Homework
Episode 25
The Scooter
Episode 26
The Proposal
To edit the gallery, click here.

Storyboard layouts

Animation stills

TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition

To edit the transcript, click here.

Gumball Needs More Attention

[Scene starts at the Wattersons' living room; Richard is flipping TV channels with the remote]
Richard: [Scoffs] When's someone gonna invent a TV that flicks its own channels?
[Nicole comes home tired and collapses on the sofa]
Richard: Hey honey, how was work? Is dinner ready yet?
[Gumball enters the house]
Gumball: Hey, Mom, Dad, guess what? I got a B plus in home-ec today! Miss Simian said my soufflé was divine. [Blocks the TV screen]
Richard: Yeah, yeah, that's very interesting.
Gumball: [Throws soufflé] I also learned how to do a cartwheel. You guys wanna see? [Attempts a cartwheel]
Richard: Yeah, yeah. I'm very proud of you son. [Frantically tries to watch with Gumball in the way]
Gumball: [Realizes Richard isn't listening] I also crashed your car on the run from the police after I robbed a bank.
Richard: Uh huh, good for you.
[Gumball whistles as he walks, falls over and pretends to injure his leg]
Gumball: Ah! My leg! It's broken! I probably need to get it cut off! Ahaaa! And yet nobody cares. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET NOTICED IN THIS HOUSE?! [Runs upstairs as Nicole wakes up alarmed and confused]
Nicole: What? Richard, I think Gumball needs some attention. Maybe you should go and play catch-
Richard: Yeah, yeah. We're all very proud of you, Nicole.
[Nicole sighs and walks up the stairs; scene changes to Gumball's bedroom, Nicole appears behind the door, enters the room and sits next to the upset Gumball who proceeds to move away until he falls off the bed]
Gumball: [Upset] What?
Nicole: Listen honey, I'm sorry you've not been getting enough attention lately. I'm going to make it up to you starting tomorrow.
Gumball: [Scoffs] Why not now?! [Sees Nicole asleep and snoring by his bed; he sighs]

Gumball's Difficult Relationships

[The next day at school, the bell rings as Gumball approaches Penny with Darwin behind him]
Gumball: So, uh, Penny, wanna hang out after school? I'll show you my cartwheel.
Darwin: I've seen it... it's not as good as it sounds.
Penny: Sorry, Gumball. It's the cheerleader tryouts tonight, I've been practicing all year for this. Another time though. [Walks away]
Gumball: [Giggling] Okay, no problem. I love you Penny.
Penny: [Walks back] What?!
Gumball: Wha, oh nothing. I just said I love peanuts. [Laughing, then turns to a whisper] Yeah, peanuts... th-they taste so good.
Penny: Gumball, I am a peanut. That's like me saying I like to eat cats. Maybe you should think twice about the things you say.
Gumball: But, I did think twice.
Penny: Well maybe you need to think three times. Anyway, see you later.
Gumball: [Yelling] Wait, I didn't say peanuts, I said ponies! I love ponies! They taste of nuts! [Calms down] Oh, whatever.
Darwin: Maybe you need to talk with your mouth shut.
[The locker suddenly opens, revealing Nicole scrunched inside]
Nicole: Is that really the way you talk to girls?
Gumball: [Screams with Darwin] Mom, what are you doing here?
Nicole: [Gets out of the locker and dusts herself] Well you said you wanted more attention, so I followed you to school. But by the looks of it you need more than attention; you need serious help, little man.

Nicole's Time at Elmore Junior High

[Nicole, Gumball and Darwin are walking along the hall, Darwin has a huge grin on his face]
Gumball: [Embarrassed] Aw Mom, if you're seriously going to follow us around all day, do you really need to hold my hand?
Nicole: Yes.
Darwin: [Through his teeth] Yay! Mom's at school!
Nicole: And it's not all day, it's all week. I took the night shift.
[Gumball groans; Tina, Jamie, Banana Joe and Anton are laughing at Gumball]
Tina: Hey, Mom, need a diaper for that baby?
[They continue to laugh]
Gumball: [High-pitched] Ooh, actually I am fully potty trained, so check your facts all right?
[Tina laughs]
Tina: You know you got 'em good when their voices go high.
Nicole: [Angrily] Gumball! Are you really going to take that?
Darwin: She just owned you.
Gumball: [High-pitched] What? You got a better idea?
Nicole: Well, first of all, drop an octave, then give her a taste of her own medicine. Try this. [Whispers to Gumball]
Gumball: [Steps forward] Uh, Tina? I'd just like to say that maybe you only bully people because you're insecure about your walnut-sized brain and the fact that you smell like a sweaty butcher.
Tina: [High-pitched] I'll have you know that smell is a glandular problem! [Walks away in embarrassment]
Banana Joe: [Laughs] Glandular.
[The kids laugh]
Gumball: Wow, it actually worked!
Jamie: Yeah, that was funny! But good luck when Tina comes back and your mom's not around to hold your hand.
Nicole: Don't worry, Gummypuss! I'll hold your hand until college, if I have to!
Banana Joe: [Laughs] Gummypuss!
Gumball: Aw Mom, stop embarrassing me!
[Runs away and bumps into Principal Brown, who was drinking coffee, and his face gets splashed with hot coffee]
Nigel Brown: Ah, it burns! [Grabs a can of paint and splashes it on his face] My eyes! What was that?!
Gumball: Uh, I don't know!? Paint?
Nigel Brown: [Grabs chlorine and does the same; the hair on his face falls out] AH! My hair! What was that?!
Gumball: Uh, uh chlorine from the pool?
Nigel Brown: [Grabs fertilizer and does the same; his hair grows back] DAAH! What was that?!
Gumball: Uh, fertilizer?
Nigel Brown: Ah, uh. [Regains composure] Oh, I guess it's alright then. But that's still two hours of detention, for potentially damaging my beautiful face!
Nicole: Really, Principal Brown. You need to be firmer than that!
Gumball: Huh?
Nigel Brown: Oh okay. Four hours detention!
[Nicole signals Principal Brown to increase the detention time]
Nigel Brown: Eight hours?
[Nicole approves with a thumbs up and a wink]
Nigel Brown: Hm, good. See you in detention, Watterson.
Gumball: [Upset] Mom, you're not helping.
[Scene changes to the classroom where the Eggheads write a note, which is passed on by students; it eventually reaches Nicole]
Nicole: [Laughing] The nerds think you look like a dodeca-dork with your mom at school.
Darwin: [Laughing] What does that mean?
Nicole: It's a twelve-sided dork, honey.
[Darwin laughs awkwardly]
Gumball: Mom, you're not helping.
[Scene changes to the boys' locker room where everyone stands in line, watching Nicole bathe Gumball]
Gumball: Mom! You're not helping!
[Scene changes to the cafeteria where everyone watches Nicole as she feeds Gumball]
Nicole: Who-Whooo! [Makes train noise] Come on honey, open the tunnel for the choo-choo train. Whoo-Whoooo-
Gumball: Mom, you're not helpi-
[Nicole shovels the food in his mouth; Gumball pushes her away]
Gumball: Enough! The Tina thing was kind of helpful, but this has gone too far. [Air goes up his esophagus] Wait a minute, I've-
[Nicole pats Gumball on the back and he burps]
Gumball: Thanks. Now seriously, I need you to stop meddling with my life!
Nicole: I'm not meddling, I'm helping.
Gumball: Helping by meddling! You're just a big meddler.
Nicole: I'm not a meddler, I'm your mother.
Darwin: And a meddler.
[Penny can be heard laughing off-screen]
Nicole: Hey, isn't that the girl you like?
Gumball: Mom no!
Nicole: [Walks over to Penny] Excuse me Penny, have you got a second?
Penny: Sure, but you guys will need to be quick. The cheerleader tryouts are about to start.
Gumball: Mom... if you love me, please don't do this.
Nicole: Oh come on Gummypuss, don't be shy. My baby has something to say to you.
Gumball: [Laughs nervously] No, I don't.
Nicole: He'd like to take you out on a date.
Gumball: That's not true.
Nicole: [Whispers] He loves you.
Penny: [Ecstatic] Really?
[Penny drops her food tray in shock]
Nicole: Gumball!
Penny: [Sad] Well, thanks for being honest with me. [Walks away]
Gumball: No, wait! I meant I'll never love peanut- NO! PONIES! UH- [Crying] See what you did? You upset Penny! How am I suppose to get her back?!
Nicole: Well, you know I could help you with that.
Gumball: That's enough! Okay?! That's enough! I'm my own man now! I make my own decisions, and I don't need you babying me anymor- [Air goes up Gumball's esophagus again] anymor-
[Nicole pats Gumball's back again and he burps]
Gumball: Thanks. Now just go home okay?
Nicole: Oh come on, we all had a great time! Didn't we Darwin?
Darwin: [Still grinning] To be honest, I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life!
Nicole: Why are you smiling then?
Darwin: Well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings, but now I'm just stuck!
Gumball: I beg of you, just get out of my life.
Nicole: [Sadly] Okay, I guess I'll just go home then.
[Scene changes to the outside of the school where Nicole sadly walks to her car. Suddenly her phone starts ringing and she picks up]
[Nicole starts running back into the school]

Bad Decisions

[Scene changes to the school hall where Darwin is massaging his face]
Darwin: Oh, thank goodness she's gone! I'll never smile again!
Nicole: Darwin!
[Darwin sees her and starts grinning again]
Darwin: Mom, you're back! Yay.
Nicole: Do you know where your brother is?
Darwin: [Points at the direction behind him] In the changing room!
Nicole: Thanks! [Starts running to the changing room]
[Darwin continues to grin in pain and tears started coming out of his eyes. Scene changes to outside the changing room where Nicole bangs at the door]
Nicole: Gumball? It's me. Open the door.
Gumball: [Screaming] NO! NO I WON'T!
Nicole: What happened?
Gumball: Oh it's awful! I made a decision on my own and it was bad! [Crying]
Nicole: Listen, whatever it is you've done, you need to come out and face it.
Gumball: Alright.. [Sobbing] Alright.. I'm coming out.
[Door opens. Gumball reluctantly walks out of the changing room in a cheerleader dress and holding pompoms]
Nicole: Oh, you were gonna try and get closer to Penny by joining her cheer team, but now you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt.
Gumball: What? No! I'm gonna beat Penny at her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am! Then she'll definitely wanna date me!
Nicole: Right. So, what's the problem?
Gumball: The problem is me! What if I'm not good as the other girls? What if they laugh at me? And this leotard makes me look fat, so I put this skirt on to hide my butt. [Lift up his skirt to show his butt]
Nicole: What exactly do you want me to do, honey?
Gumball: Err, hello? Be there of course? I need emotional support? You're my mom? Start acting like it?
Nicole: [Takes a deep breath] Okay lets go.

Cheerleader Audition

[Scene changes to the school gym where the cheerleader audition is being held. Masami, Molly, Juke (providing music for the performances), and Carmen are watching Penny perform in front of Mr. Small and Principal Brown, who are the judges. Penny finishes her act with a mid-air 360, but fumbles the landing, much to her dismay.]
Nigel Brown: [Makes tisk-tisk sounds] Now, Penny, I have to say I'm a little disappointed.
Penny: I know. It's just I had some emotional problems this afternoon -
Nigel Brown: Only that we're making cuts today, and after that performance someone's gonna have to be pretty bad for it not to be you.
[Gumball slams open the gym door]
Gumball: Am I too late?
[Gumball walks onto the court - much to the confusion of onlookers - while Nicole inserts a mixtape into Juke. As the mixtape plays, Gumball does a simple and unimpressive routine. During this, one of his shoes fly off and hit Carmen, prompting Nicole to facepalm. Later, while Gumball tries and fails to do a somersault, Mr. Small passes a note reading "?" to Principal Brown, to which the latter responds by shrugging. Gumball then jumps around a little, during which he injures his knee]
Gumball: [In slow-motion] Ow!
[Gumball frantically looks to the judges, then to the onlookers, then to Nicole]
Gumball: [Whispers] Mom!
[Nicole gives him a thumbs up. With newfound confidence, Gumball continues his act with a running start that leads into a cartwheel. However, much to everyone's collective shock and disgust, his skirt falls down and reveals his butt. Gumball, now panting, finishes in an awkward position, which leads his legs to slide downwards until he's in a split.]
Nigel Brown: Well, it's a no for me, Mr. Small.
Mister Small​​​​: It's a no for me too.
Nigel Brown: That's two nos, Gumball. You're going home.
Gumball: [Beat] NOOOO! [Crying loudly, drops the pompoms] MOM! MAKE THEM RECOUNT THE SCORE! [Reaches out to Nicole]'MAKE THEM RECOUNT THE SCORE!
Nicole: Well, [Picks Gumball up and starts putting his legs, which have stiffened from the split, around her] Zero plus zero equals zero, honey.
Gumball: [Crying] Why is the world so cruel?!
Nicole: Don't worry, you'll do better next time! After a couple of years intense training.
Penny: [Runs up to Gumball, happy and blushing] Oh, Gumball, thank you! It was so brave of you to sacrifice your dignity so I can get on the team! I guess that means... [Starts twisting her foot] you do like me. Just a little?
Gumball: [Crying and sputtering] Peanuts... ponies...
Nicole: I think that means yes.
[Penny smiles as Nicole carries Gumball out of the gym]
Gumball: Mom, you know when I said I wanted, to be my own man and, make my own decisions?
Nicole: Yes?
[Scene changes to the school hall where Darwin massages his face again. When Nicole and Gumball show up once more, he starts grinning again]
Gumball: Can it just wait for a few years?
Nicole: The longer the better, honey! Even when you're eighty you'll still be my Gummypuss!
[Camera then zooms to Darwin's grinning face. After awhile, his head explodes]
[Episode ends]
TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
