The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

"The Gi" is the fifteenth episode of season 1 of The Amazing World of Gumball.


Gumball and Darwin are made fun of by their school mates for wearing martial arts costumes, so Nicole plans to take the costumes away.



Important details about the plot or story are up ahead

(Skip section)

The episode starts with Gumball and Darwin clinging onto Nicole's ankles and begging for karate lessons. After Nicole reminds the two of numerous activities they have tried and given up, the boys promise not to quit martial arts after the first lesson and Nicole buys them uniforms. They then talk about how powerful they look, thinking themselves as fierce as a "sharkbeargator." They then make a pact to never remove their gis.

Afterwards, the two mimic karate moves, breaking objects around their house and at the bus stop. At their school, their classmates laugh at the two when they show off; the two remaining completely oblivious to the children's mockery. Nicole notices their classmates' ridicule and tells Gumball and Darwin to get in the car to go home, but Gumball talks to Penny first (she is visibly lost for words). In the car, Nicole tries to convince the boys that the students are bullying them, but they deny her claims and say that they are just laughing with them and even dubbed them "the Karate Wieners," unaware of what the name means and thinking of it as a mispronunciation of "Karate Winners."

When the boys arrive home, they watch Richard play Suburban Karate Master, and hear him wish that he could kick people like that in real life. He then compliments their gis and asks the two if they have a spare. The two say that they do not and note that Richard is not responsible enough to do so, either. The boys go outside and lip-synch a motivational song called "The Inner Warrior," while doing an air guitar. Nicole tries to explain the risk of the boys wearing the costumes to school but Richard ignores Nicole and joins the boys in lip-synching. Nicole then worries about how the costumes will ruin their lives, never gaining girlfriends or jobs, and still living at the house realizing that they have wasted their lives, so she decides to take action.

Nicole walks into the boys' room and sees them on the computer. They explain that there is a video of Darwin practicing his scissor kick on a can. Nicole asks them if they posted it, but they deny it, saying some kids at school did. Nicole tells them the video's title is making fun of them with it saying "Tae-Kwon Dorks," but they deny its negativity, citing the fact that Korean is hard to spell. She then unplugs the computer and tells the boys about what happened to Richard in the past when he ran around in his superhero costume as the "Cottontail Cavalier," making himself look bad. The boys ask what happened to the cape and Nicole tells them that she took it from Richard and hid it from him. Richard, overhearing Nicole, becomes upset, claiming that she said the president needed it and runs out of the door crying. Nicole reassures the boys that Richard was lucky to have someone who loved him for who he was during that time and it is not wise to act immature and let students laugh at them like Richard did. The boys then tell Nicole that they will give up the costumes and will act more mature than Richard did in his childhood, if it makes her happy.

The boys then sing a piano-accompanied song about how life is about abandoning dreams, expectations floating away downstream, and being mediocre. They then say how good they would feel to wear the gis one last time since they are "cured" and can handle it. When they put them on, they find that they are addicted to wearing them and cannot handle it, but they do not care. The next morning they hide their costumes under other clothes and leave for school after being interrogated by Nicole, fibbing that the gis must be in the closet. Nicole then walks to the closet to get rid of the gis and realizes that they have lied to her. She sets off toward the school in the family car. At the school, Gumball takes off his cover and tell the students to watch them break twelve boards at lunch. During lunch, Gumball attempts to break eight boards and fails, injuring himself in the process. He then tells Darwin to lessen the amount to one and fails again, lying on the ground crying while the classmates continue to laugh at his pain and failure. Nicole arrives at that moment and notices Gumball upset with classmates laughing at him and fears that she is too late.

Penny then runs to defend Gumball telling the students that he is brave for being himself. Nicole watches this and then notices that she was wrong to prevent the boys from being themselves. Nearing the end of the episode, she gives Richard back his cape and urges him to put it on. He runs around and then crashes into a wall, the same way that he did in his childhood, reminiscing about how fun that was. Nicole then kisses Richard on the cheek and the episode ends.

End spoilers


Main characters

Supporting characters

Minor characters


  • A gi is a martial arts uniform, not to be confused with "Government Issue" as in G.I. Joe.
  • The user who uploaded the "Tae-Kwon Dorks" video was "SomeKidsAtSchool."
  • The author of a comment on the Tae-Kwon Dorks video is "Tobias1337."
  • In Nicole's flashback, Patrick, Sal Left Thumb, and Mr. Small can be seen as kids.
    • Sal's young design is almost identical to his design in promotional material from when he was intended to be a student, only with arms.
  • This is the first time in the entire series Darwin is seen wearing pants. At the part where him and Gumball are dressed for horse riding, Darwin is seen fully clothed. He is also seen wearing pants in the figure skating flashback.
  • This episode, "The Ex," and "The Ad" are tied for shortest episode title so far, with only five letters.
  • The video "AWESOME BRICK BREAK" is seen again at the end of "The Secret."
  • This is the first time Gumball and Darwin are shown older.
  • In the Korean version of the song, the rising sun scene was cut out.

Cultural references

  • In the beginning, Gumball and Darwin say please to Nicole in five (technically six) different languages. They are (in order): English (please), French (s'il te plaît), Spanish and Portuguese (por favor), German (bitte), and Hawaiian ('olu 'olu).
  • In FusionFall, one of Gumball's powers is Tae-Kwon Dork, with the description "Half bear, half shark, half alligator!" which is a reference to this episode.
  • The music when Richard puts his cape on is similar to the beginning of David Bowie's song "Changes."


  • During the part where Gumball and Darwin are on the PC, Nicole unplugged the cord to the computer from the outlet, but after the flashback, it is back on, then off, then back on.
  • In Nicole's first slow motion flashback of Gumball, one can see that there was no karate costume under the coat sleeve Gumball was wearing.
  • When Richard wears the Cottontail Cape, his belt is brown.
  • When Gumball and Darwin start to sing "No More Gi," Gumball's ears disappear.
  • When Darwin states that the children at school call them "The Karate Wieners" in the car, his eyebrows disappear.
    • In the same scene, his black belt is missing.
  • Halfway through the episode, when Richard is playing a video game, the dpad on his controller is under his right thumb. That is, the controller is mirror reversed from the normal Super Famicom layout. At the end of the episode, he is playing again, but now the dpad is under his left thumb.
  • Tobias' cheeks are pink in this episode. This later occured in "The Kiss," and "The Mustache."
  • Gunball claims that he will break twelve pieces of wood at the same time, but there appear to only be eight pieces of wood.

Other titles

  • Čeština (Czech): Úbor (The Suit)
  • Español (Spanish): El Karateca (The Karate)
  • Français (French): Le kimono (The Kimono)
  • Italiano (Italian): I torsoli del karate (The Karate Wieners)
  • Português (Portuguese): A Capa (The Cape)
  • Magyar (Hungarian): Karate-láz (Karate Mania)
  • Polski (Polish): Sztuki walki (The Martial Arts)
  • Українська (Ukrainian): Кімоно (The Kimono) 
  • Türkçe (Turkish): Savaşçı (The Fighter) 
  • Русский (Russian): Кимоно (The Kimono)
  • Български (Bulgarian): Инфантилните (The Infantile)
  • العربية (Arabic): الكراتيه (The Karate)
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): Chiến Binh (The Warrior)
  • 日本語 (Japanese): 空手マスタードの夢 (Dream of the Karate Mustard)
  • Euskara (Basque): Gerrariak (Warrior)
TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
Episode 1
The Burger
Episode 2
The Assistant
Episode 3
The Distance
Episode 4
The Butts
Episode 5
The Thing
Episode 6
The Cheerleader
Episode 7
The Astrological
Episode 8
The Letter
Episode 9
The App
Episode 10
The Traffic
Episode 11
The Boring
Episode 12
The Portrait
Episode 13
The Cancellationgation
Episode 14
The Gut
Episode 15
The Repression
Episode 16
The Eagles
Episode 17
The Trumpet
Episode 18
The Speedrun
Episode 19
The Gourmet
Episode 20
The Climb
Episode 21
The Teacher
Episode 22
The Summoning
Episode 23
The Survivalists
Episode 24
The Homework
Episode 25
The Scooter
Episode 26
The Proposal
To edit the gallery, click here.

Storyboard layouts

Animation stills

TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition

To edit the transcript, click here.

Please Mom!

[At the beginning of the episode, Nicole is leaving home via the front door. With Gumball clinging to her leg, and Darwin clinging to Gumball, she drags both of them behind her]
Gumball and Darwin: Please, Mom! Please?
Darwin: S'il te plaît?
Gumball: ¿Por favor?
Darwin: Bitte?
[Nicole turns to face her sons as they adopt a kneeling position]
Gumball: We really wanna do karate.
Gumball and Darwin: 'Olu 'olu?
Nicole: [Sighs] Okay.
[The show skips ahead to Nicole driving her car, while Gumball and Darwin are in the backseat wearing karate uniforms]
Gumball and Darwin: Yay!
Nicole: Better not get bored and give it up right away.
Gumball: Mom, when have we ever given something up?
[A series of flashbacks starts; Gumball and Darwin are seen practicing different sports. Every time Gumball and Darwin throw their equipment, a meter fills with 100 dollars and a cash sound effect plays]
Gumball and Darwin: [Throwing their equipment] I hate football! I hate tennis! I hate whipping horses!
[Gumball and Darwin are peacefully skating, when Gumball suddently slams Darwin onto the ice rink]
Gumball: I hate figure skating!
[The meter fills up with 700 more dollars and the flashbacks end]
Gumball: Oh, yeah.
Nicole: Promise me you'll go to the lessons this time.
Gumball: [Scoffs] Pff. Who needs lessons? You already bought us black belts!
[Another 500 dollars pile up on the meter. Then Gumball and Darwin pretend to attack each other, and Nicole sighs]
Darwin: Dude, you look so powerful in your belt.
Gumball: You too, man.
Darwin: Really?
Gumball: Yeah. You're like half shark, half bear, half alligator.
Darwin: Shark-bear-igator.
Gumball: Darwin, let's agree to never take these off.
[They shake hands]
Darwin: Agreed!

Goofy Gi's

[Gumball and Darwin are at home and getting ready for school. They brush their teeth, after which Gumball runs downstairs and tries to jump kick the door]
Gumball: Hi-yah!
[He smacks against it and drops to the floor, causing a painting to fall from the wall and onto his face. Next, Gumball pours cereal into a bowl and spins a spoon in his hand]
Gumball: Woo, yah-wah! Haa-yah! [Throws the spoon at Darwin]
Darwin: Yah! [Catches the spoon between his fins] Wahhh. [Eats the cereal]
[Outside, Gumball does a cartwheel, then kicks the bus sign. Darwin follows after him by doing somersaults. The bus pulls up, and the scene skips to the end of the school day. Gumball and Darwin are standing on the sidewalk in front of some of their classmates, and Nicole drives up to collect them]
Darwin: That was the best day of my life! [Performing karate moves] Yah! Yah! Yah!
[Every student, except Penny, laughs]
Masami: Hey, why don't you fight Tina?
[They continue laughing]
Gumball: No, no-no-no. Our karate is strictly for self-defense.
Darwin: To misuse the power in this fin would bring terrible dishonor upon our dojo.
Banana Joe: Haha, do another flip!
[They laugh again]
Gumball: All right, just one more. Ha, for the fans... [Attempts a backflip, but lands face-first]
Darwin: Awesome!
[Everyone laughs]
Banana Joe: Kung-fool!
[Nicole watches from the car, upset]
Nicole: Boys, come on! Time to go.
Gumball: One second, Mom! [Walks up to Penny] Hey, Penny! Hi-yah. [Punches the air, startling her] What do you think of my new style?
Penny: Mmm. Very, um...
Gumball: Impressive?
Penny: Well... I like to see you happy.
Gumball: Thanks! Wa! [Fakes another punch] You need work on that defense, young lotus. Farewell.
[He gets into the passenger seat, Darwin sits in the back, and they head for home]
Gumball: Hi-yah!
[Gumball pretends to hit Nicole, nearly making her lose control of the vehicle]
Gumball: Flinched!
Nicole: [Chuckles nervously] Everything okay at school, honey?
Gumball: Yeah, school is awesome! Especially when you're wearing one of these.
Nicole: It's just that it... kinda looked like the kids were making fun of you back there.
Gumball: Yeah... Laughing with you can sound like laughing at you.
Darwin: They even called us the karate wieners!
Gumball: I think it's because we always "wien" at karate.

The Inner Warrior

[Back home, Richard is sitting on the couch playing a videogame. Gumball and Darwin are next to him]
Videogame announcer: Suburban Karate Master.
Richard: [After beating some enemies] Ha ha, in your face! Oh, I wish I could kick people like this in real life. [Notices Gumball and Darwin] Hey, nice costumes, guys. [Hushed] You have a spare one?
Gumball: Nah, sorry, Dad. I'm not sure you're ready for the responsibility.
Richard: [Sighs sadly] I understand. [Continues playing]
Gumball: Come on, Darwin. Let's go practice some killer moves!
[They go to the front yard and stand beside a boombox]
Gumball: Okay, dude. You know what a true warrior needs for a good warm-up?
Darwin: Mittens and a scarf?
Gumball: No, Darwin-san. [Turns on the boombox] Inspiration.
[Rock music plays; Gumball and Darwin lip-sync and dance to the song]
Lyrics: Every time I look in the mirror all I see is the inner warrior staring back at me!
[Nicole and Richard are watching from the window]
Lyrics: You hit hard with your best shot, give it everything you've got.
Nicole: [Faces Richard] Oh, Richard, I'm so worried about them.
[Richard turns around, revealing that he is also lip-syncing and air-guitaring]
Lyrics: Warrior, be the warrior!
Richard: Why? It's a great track.
Lyrics: Bring 'em on, let 'em come, they will never keep you down.
Nicole: They're obsessed with those outfits, and the kids at school are making fun of them. [Looks at her sons]
Lyrics: Come on, Warrior! Be the Warrior!
Nicole: You know how mean kids can be.
Lyrics: And you're the best that you can be.
Nicole: [Turns away from the window] Richard? [Sees him outside with Gumball and Darwin; Groans, then sighs]
Lyrics: Yeaaaa aaeeeaa aaa yeaaa
Nicole: I know they're just costumes, but if people make fun of them, they'll never get girlfriends, or a job, and in twenty years' time they'll still be living here and wearing those ridiculous karate outfits!
[Nicole imagines what Gumball and Darwin will be like in the future. She pictures them overweight, unkempt, and playing a videogame in the living room]
Darwin: Gumball?
Gumball: Yeah?
Darwin: I think we wasted our lives.
[End of Nicole's imagine spot]

Tae-Kwon Dorks

[Later, Gumball and Darwin are using the computer in their bedroom when Nicole walks in]
Nicole: Boys?
Gumball and Darwin: Hi, Mom!
Gumball: Check out Darwin's sweet scissor kick. [Plays a video of Darwin kicking a can]
Nicole: When did you post this?
Gumball: We didn't. Some kids at school did.
Nicole: Boys, look at the title. "Tae-Kwon Dorks." I think they might be making fun of you.
Gumball: Nah, they just spelled "Tae-Kwon Do" wrong.
Darwin: Korean spelling is very complicated.
Gumball: There's loads of other fellow senseis on here. Look!
[Gumball plays a video called "Awesome brick break", where a black belt breaks a row of bricks just by using his hand. Nicole suddenly unplugs the computer]
Gumball: Hey!
Nicole: [Sighs] I need to tell you a story.
Gumball: Cool! Is it a fable about a great martial arts warrior?
Nicole: Not exactly. When your father was at school, he thought he was the "Cottontail Cavalier."
[Flashback to the time when Richard was still in Elmore Junior High]
Richard: Cottontail Cavalier! [Runs around in his costume, only to crash head-on into his classroom door]
Mister Small​​, Sal Left Thumb, and Patrick: [Laughing] Costumed geek!
Nicole: Leave him alone! At least he's brave enough to be himself.
[Flashback ends]
Nicole: He was lucky there was one girl who loved him for who he really was.
Darwin: What a sad story.
Gumball: But, what ever happened to the cape?
Nicole: Well, I managed to get it off him and hide it.
Richard: [Appears in the doorway; Upset] What?! You mean the president didn't really need my cape?
Nicole: I'm sorry, honey.
Richard: It's because of you I'm mortal! [Runs away crying]
Nicole: You see, that's the kind of state that you can get into when you refuse to grow up.
Darwin: [Dejected] Gumball, I don't wanna be a costumed geek.
Gumball: It's okay, Darwin. Mom, we'll stop wearing the outfits if it'll make you happy.
Nicole: Thank you, boys. I'm so proud of you. You'll see, it's for the best.
[After she leaves, Gumball and Darwin gaze out their window and sing "No More Gi"]
Gumball: Life's about abandoning, dream after dream.
Darwin: Hopes and expectations, float away downstream.
Gumball: It's time to kiss our childish ways goodbye.
Darwin: Grow up? Give mediocrity a try?
Gumball: The games, they have to stop.
[The two remove their headbands]
Darwin: No more hi-yah!
Gumball: Not even a karate chop.
Gumball and Darwin: Face up to what maturity means, and forget about our martial arts dreams.
[They store the outfits in a suitcase and slide it under the bed]
Gumball: Well, I think I'm cured.
Darwin: Me too! I almost think I could put it back on, you know, just one last time, and I would be fine.
Gumball: I reckon if I put mine back on, it would do nothing.
[Gumball and Darwin dress up again and lie on the floor while laughing ecstatically]
Gumball: Oh, it feels so good!

The Karate "Wieners"

[The next day, Gumball and Darwin try to sneak out of the house by wearing their outfits under regular clothing. Nicole hears them open the front door and comes out of the kitchen]
Nicole: Boys? Is that you?
Gumball: Uh... yeah, just rushing off to school, you know? Don't wanna miss any of those, uh, spelling... sums.
Nicole: That's great honey. Now, where did you put those karate costumes?
Gumball: Those old things? I completely forgot about them.
Nicole: But you had them only yesterday.
Gumball: That was yesterday? Well, time sure flies when you're all grown up. [To Darwin] Can you remember where we put them?
Darwin: Beats me.
Gumball: Maybe they're in the closet, bye! [Rushes out, slamming the door]
Nicole: Bye. And now, to get rid of this problem once and for all. [Opens the bedroom closet] What the? They're gone! Wait a minute.
[Nicole rewinds her memory]
Gumball: Bye!
[Nicole replays the memory in slow motion]
Gumball: Bye!
[She replays it even slower, spotting the sleeve of Gumball's gi under his sweater]
Gumball: Bye!
Nicole: Those little fibbers!
[At school, Gumball and Darwin are in the corridor, standing by the lockers]
Gumball: Okay, let's get these dorky clothes off.
Darwin: I don't know, I think I'm gonna keep mine on.
Gumball: What?!
Darwin: Mom's kinda right, this is a bit lame.
Gumball: Are you crazy? [Punches the air, then poses on one leg] Is that lame?
Darwin: Nah, it's pretty awesome.
Gumball: Exactly! Now, our fans are waiting. The Karate Weiners, have returned! [Rips off his extra clothes]
[The nearby students all laugh]
Gumball: People, please, contain your excitement. At lunch break, come and see me attempt... the impossible!
Jamie: What? Are you gonna get a girlfriend?
[They laugh again]
Gumball: No, I'm going to break twelve planks of wood with this hand! [Raises his hand]
Darwin: [Whispering] Are you crazy?
[Scene cuts to Nicole rapidly driving on the highway]
Nicole: [Angrily] I can't believe they lied to me. I never should've given them those outfits! What was I thinking? [Honks the horn] Out of my way! My kids are in danger! Of becoming their father!
[At the school playground, Gumball is preparing to strike the planks in front of him]
Darwin: Dude, seriously, how're you gonna do this?
Gumball: Ha, easy! I've seen loads of guys do it on the internet. All I have to do is hit it with my hand. Watch! [To the gathered crowd] Karate fans please, can I have a little hush?
Banana Joe: Yeah, quiet! I wanna hear him fail.
[All the classmates laugh at Gumball]
Darwin: Shhhh!
Gumball: Thank you, Darwin-san. [Inhales deeply] HI-YAH!
[Gumball hits the wood, injuring his hand as he whimpers in pain. The classmates continue to laugh]
Gumball: Stop laughing! Don't you guys watch TV?! When you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything!
[He ineffectively hits the planks a few more times with his hands, then tries using his head]
Gumball: [Speaking into the wood] Aww man, it looked easier on the internet. [Stands up] Maybe I'll just do one plank.
[Darwin removes all the planks except for one]
Gumball: [Inhales deeply] HI-YAH!
[He stomps on the plank, to no effect, and growls. When he kicks the plank, it flies into his face, causing him to cry and fall forward, with the students still laughing]
Banana Joe: Ladies and gentlemen, the karate "wiener"!
Gumball: Hang on, wiener doesn't mean winner, it means sausage! [Sobs]
[Nicole drives up on the other side of the fence]
Nicole: Oh, no, I'm too late.
[Penny runs up to Gumball looking worried]
Penny: Hey, leave him alone! If he wants to wear karate clothes, let him! At least he's brave enough to be himself!
[Nicole gasps in awe]
Penny: Besides, I think he looks cute, kinda like a... a...
Darwin: Shark-bear-igator?
Penny: Yeah, something like that.
Gumball: [Whispering to Darwin] I told you girls would dig it! Thanks for sticking up for me, Penny!
Penny: My pleasure, Gumball-san.
[They pretend to attack each other, then laugh together]
Nicole: Ohh, my little karate weiner's in love! [Ponders]

Return of the Cottontail Cavalier

[In the living room, Richard is still playing a videogame when Nicole walks up to him]
Nicole: Richard?
Richard: Yeah?
Nicole: The president wants you to have this back. [Pulls out a cape]
Richard: [Excited] Aah! Really?! [Grabs cape] I can feel its power!
Nicole: Well, put it on.
Richard: Yes! The "Cottontail Cavalier" has returned! [Runs around the sofa] Dun-dun-dun-dun-d— [Crashes into a wall; laughs] Ahh, just like old times.
[Nicole gives Richard a kiss on the cheek]
Richard: Oh, thanks, honey!
[Episode ends]
TheDVDSeason1 TheResponsibleSeason1 TheThirdSeason1 TheDebtSeason1
Episode 1
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1 TheDressSeason1 TheQuestSeason1 TheSpoonSeason1
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode 8
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1 ThePaintingSeason1 TheLaziestSeason1 TheGhostSeason1
Episode 9
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1 ThePrankSeason1 TheGiSeason1 TheKissSeason1
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1 TheRefundSeason1 TheRobotSeason1 ThePicnicSeason1
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne TheSecretSeason1 TheSockSeason1 TheGeniusSeasonOne
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne TheMustacheSeason1 TheDateSeason1 TheClub28
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1 TheApeSeason1 The Car 35 TheCurse season1
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode 30
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav TheMeddlerSeason1 Helmet TheFightSeason1
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2 Colossus Giant TheKnightsSeason2 TheFridgeSeason2
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill Banana Banana Banana Phone Dead

Job Clay

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts Treasure Family TheApologySeason2 Words Song
Episode 9
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2 ChristmasSeason2 TheWatchNavbox
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid

Flakers Rex TheAuthoritySeason2 TheVirusNavbox
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD TheHeroSeason2 Dreamthe3 TheSidekickSeason2
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Storm
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Voice
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic Boomboxnavpic Tapeleaker4 Sweaters Ending
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser ThePlanSeasonTwo TheWorldSeason2 TheFinaleSeason2
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3 TAAGDSpage1 CoachisAWOMAN The joy revealed
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3 TheRecipeSP4 Tnam15 TheExtrasSeason3
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes TheVacationSeason3 Fraud clip10 TheVoidSeason3
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3 TheMoveSeason3 TheLawSeason3 Allergyithink5
Episode 13
The Boss
Episode 14
The Move
Episode 15
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff Password9 The Procrastinators Shl95
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode 18
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3 TheBros Season3 338641-1 Jojolouiekissman
Episode 21
The Burden
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n Butterfly18 The question
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75 TheFriendSeason3 TheOracleSeason3 Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3 SpoilerTheater Countdown75 TNobody
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still GB340MONEY69
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4 TheNemesisSeason4 TheCrewSeason4 TheOthersSeason4
Episode 1
The Return
Episode 2
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Crew
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour TheCheckSeason4 Pest Billnis TheSaleSeason4
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Sale
Gift Cram TheParkingSeason4 Routine Rex TheUpgradeSeason4
Episode 9
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17 Uploads Sussie Apprentiance me
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked TheWickedSeason4 TheTraitorSeason4 TheOriginsPreview200033
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011 Girfriend Scary Advice Redacted Signal Signal
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour TheLoveSeason4 TheAwkwardnessSeason4 TheNestSeason4
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4 TheBusSeason4 TheNight 12 TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Bus
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad Blame Why Weirdgumball6 S4E36 The Detective 19
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4 Happy Elmore Town Anime Darwin and Carrie TheDisasterSeasonFour
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight StoriesSeason5 TheGuy 6 LesBoring
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5 Clouding CodePromo3 Test Grope
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking S5E10 The Loophole p03 Fuss Sweet CopyCatsSeason5
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode 10
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5 OutsideSeason5 VaseSeason5 Matchmaker Cute
Episode 13
The Potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5 Console Victory OllieSeason5 CatfishSeason5
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Console
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5 StarsSeason5 Birth of Simian DietSeason5
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09 SorcererSeason5 Menu KeemstarLife Uncle IsGumchoOver
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Sorcerer
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon Heist Nicole TheSinging50 CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst TheDeal ThePetals TheNuisance
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine ListDolphin GumballNews ThePuppets
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52) Lady Laugh The Sucker (28) Meltysons
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode 3
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning The Father (121) Cringe Awkwardness The Cage (11)
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy TwoGamboliesOneTheater The Faith (100) Candidate Leak8
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball Shippening67 The Brain (1) TheArents
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Brain
Episode 16
The Parents
GBFounder GBSchooling TheIntelligence InternetDies GBPotion
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode 20
The Potion
GBSpinoffs GBTransformation GBUnderstanding GBAd
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls Gossamer GBAwareness TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone TheBuddy Uhhhh ThePossesion SadRichard TheMaster GameMasterRichard
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode 30
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk TheFuture RobChokingBarbara TWish GBFactory
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent GBWeb GBMess Frown Upside doun
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Heart
GBRevolt TheDecisions44 BFFS Stars GBInquisition
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
