The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
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Bring Your Kid To Work Day

[The episode starts off with Richard sitting on the couch in his underwear and looking very lazy]
[Zooms out seeing Gumball and Darwin at the scene staring at Richard, then he stares back]
Richard: Then at 10 o'clock, I do this [does another lazy position, sighing] It's important to move every 3 hours or so otherwise, [points the rat at floor] the rats get too bold, thinks you've croaked, and starts biting.
[Focuses on the rat staring at Richard]
Richard: Not today, buddy.
[The rat backs off going back to his hole]
Richard: Every around noon, it's lunch, so I go like this.
[He switched position then puts a bowl of cheese curls on his stomach then he gets one using his tongue then he repeats]
Richard: Then, [eats the whole cheese curls] I like to look at things and think about what they'd taste like. [Stares at the rug] The rug would taste of peach fruit roll-up. [Stares at the TV] And the TV would taste like burned creme caramel set on a rich highland double fudge base. [Salivates]
Gumball: OK, I think since it's Bring-Your-Child-to-Work Day in our class, we might want to choose another parent. What do you say mom?
[Stares at Nicole very stressed and has a lot of wrinkles]
Nicole: [gasps] NO!
[Nicole walks to the kitchen grabbing a mug and a jar of coffee, then pours a tablespoon of coffee on the mug, grabs the hot kettle then stares at the mug and the coffee jar, then pours the hot water in the coffee jar then drinks from the jar aggressively]
[Gumball and Darwin begging]
Darwin: But why? We wanna see the Rainbow Factory!
Gumball: It'll be the best day ever! First, we'll watch the happy little elves whistling their merry tunes as they dig for color at the Rainbow Mine.
Darwin: Then we see all the color be mixed in the palette by dancing unicorns!
Gumball: Then we'll hear the singing of the Orange Munchkins as they churn it with their magic machines! And then we pause for a couple of hours for lunch. And then...
Nicole: You only get an hour for lunch.
Darwin: Oh...
Nicole: [walks out of the kitchen] that we have to share between 50 people. [comes back into the kitchen] and I said no!
[The scene changes when Nicole goes to the bathroom then stares at herself on a mirror]
Nicole: [groans] I look like I've been thrown into space without a spacesuit.
[She grabs a bucket of blue paint and a brush, goes back to the mirror then she threw the brush then starts drowning here face in the paint. She powders her face for her eyes then she draws an outline for the rest of her face finally smiling]
Gumball and Darwin: Please take us!
Nicole: No!
Gumball: We'll pay you 10 dollars.
[Darwin handed Nicole a paper then Nicole reads what is written]
Nicole: [reading] Can we have 10 dollars? [disappointed] I said no! [walks out]
[Nicole goes to their bedroom, preparing her uniform then she smelled her uniform then sprayed some air freshener, smells herself then she sprayed on her body as well.]
Gumball: [whining] BUT WHY?!
Nicole: Because the CEOs are coming down to decide whether to close down the factory and give everyone their pink slip.
Gumball and Darwin: A pink slip? Like a magic ticket?
Nicole: [wears her uniform] Yeah. A magic ticket to unemployment and depression. So you guys are gonna stay with your father and do... [stops] whatever it is he does.
[Nicole fixes her briefcase]
Gumball: Mom please. Hanging out with dad in his work day is like watching a ripe avocado turning into a guacamole with just the force of gravity.
[Stares at Richard lying down looking like he is melting]
Nicole: [sighs] I get your point, but I can't have you there today. [stares at her wristwatch then looked surprised] I gotta run! If I'm much later, I'll be back for dinner before I get to work! [runs towards the door outside]
Gumball: Wait! Briefcase!
Nicole: [stops] Oh, boy! Thank you sweetheart.

At The Rainbow Factory

[Nicole enters the office]
Nicole: Good morning, gentlemen. I'm so sorry I'm late. [talks to two charts, thinking they are the shareholders] I worked all night on this figures and I can assure you that there's absolutely no need to close the factory.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: [clears throats] We are the shareholders.
Nicole: Oh, sorry, right. [points at the graph] And you are?
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Objects, Watterson. They're inanimate objects.
Nicole: [looks back at the graphs then smiles] Right.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Now, please give us the stats.
Nicole: Oh yes, of course.
[She opens the briefcase then she shockingly sees Gumball and Darwin inside.]
Nicole: [inhales deeply] I'm sorry. I've left them on my desk.
Rainbow Factory Shareholders: If you're not back in 2 minutes, we'll move your desk to a bathroom stall.
Nicole: I know you mean that as a threat, but as we're not allowed to take bathroom breaks, it would technically be an improvement.
[Nicole drops her stuff including Gumball and Darwin out of her briefcase]
Nicole: Give me those!
[Gumball picks up the paper reports then gives to Nicole.]
Nicole: Are you kidding me? How on Earth could you be in here? You handed me the briefcase yourself!
Gumball: Yes, but from the inside.
[flashes back to when Gumball gives Nicole her briefcase when she was rushing, except there is only his arm from the inside of the briefcase handing it to Nicole]
Gumball: Wait! Briefcase!
Nicole: Oh, boy! Thank you sweetheart.
[Gumball puts back his arm in the briefcase then end of flashback]
Nicole: [stammers then sighing] I'm going back to the meeting. Meanwhile, you're gonna stay here and touch nothing. Have I made myself clear?
[Gumball and Darwin agrees then she stares at their feet]
Nicole: I said [pointing out their feet] nothing.
[Gumball and Darwin float. Nicole goes back to her meeting but some paper reports fell out of her briefcase]
Gumball: [in a high voice] Oh no! She dropped some important stuff giving us the perfect excuse to look for her and check out the factory in the process.
Darwin: But she told us to stay here.
Gumball: Darwin, all it takes for bad things to happen is for good people to do nothing.
Darwin: I don't think we count as good people.
Gumball: Then all it takes for good things to happen is for bad people to do something.
Darwin: Oh...Ahh... Ahh no.
Gumball: What?
Darwin: I'm totally convinced.
[Gumball and Darwin smile at each other]

Red, Orange, Yellow

Gumball​: Let's find out how they put these magic colors in the sky!
Darwin: With unicorns and pixies, candy cane and apple pie!
Gumball: I used to think that they were caused by how the light refracts.
Darwin: But now I'm sure it's magical so who we gonna ask?
Gumball and Darwin: Hey! Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet!
Darwin: Hello, friend! Now, tell me, are you elf or are you gnome?
Blue Elephant: Neither, kid. The lack of daylight stunted every bone.
Gumball: 'And is this color made from lemonade and fairy dust?
Blue Elephant: It's gasoline and arsenic, and latex, lead, and rust.
Gumball and Darwin: Hey! Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet!
Darwin: I must admit that guy back there did not fill me with magic...
Gumball: In fact he made it sound as if his job was pretty tragic...
Darwin: But look, there's elves and tricycles and fountains of molasses!
Gumball: Unless it's a hallucination caused by toxic gases.
Darwin[gibberish] Led, rory, lellow, greeny, bluedigo and violet.
Leonard Daniels: Well, I don't mind, it's not that bad, this job still has its perks. Like for example, uh, [sighs]
Steve: Careful then, mind what you say, you know the walls have ears! Don't wanna end up stuck on night like poor old Mr. Frears!
Darwin: Where are all the roly-poly imps in dungarees?
Gumball: Instead it's tears and bitterness, and awful salaries.
Darwin: We thought it would be full of fun, and colorful rainbows.
Gumball: Instead it's gross and gray, and let's be honest, it just blows.

Don't Press The Button

Rainbow Factory Shareholder: [murmurs to the other] What about blinking time?
Nicole: [smiles] Uh, what about it?
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Well, every second spent blinking is one less second doing the job. I suggest we ban it.
Nicole: Ban blinking? That's impossible.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Then I suggest we reduce it by 75%.
Nicole:What? How?
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Like this. [partially blinks repeatedly. While the other one speaks, he continues]
Nicole: [wierded out] Uhh.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Ok, just spitballing here, but how about instead the employees having to spend so much time going home to look after their own children, they just share one massive child to save on cost?
Nicole: What about the other children?
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Feed them to the big one, group our assets, maximize value, Watterson!
Nicole: But sir, some of our employees are quite attached to their children.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: I don't care! The only people I've got pictures of in my wallet are Washigton and Benjamin,
[shows his wallets with pictures of three children but one crossed out] my two sons.
Nicole: Ohh. [laughs] That's so funny. I thought you are gonna heartlessly show me a couple of dollar bills. They're very cute sir.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: I was about to say there was a third one, [points the crossed out one] Hamilton. He was fired for going over-budget. Only 2 hugs a day. He knew the rules.
[He puts back his wallet then Gumball and Darwin shows up behind the window behind the Company Shareholders. Gumball and Darwin shows the dropped paper reports while a Rainbow Factory Shareholder talks in the background]
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: To be honest with you, this inspection is irrelevant since we've already decided to move the factory to another country where workers aren't always whining about...lile basic human decency, access to direct sunlight, women's rights, men's rights, dental plans, or desks.
[The discussion starts to get inaudible focusing on Nicole directing Gumball and Darwin where to give the dropped paper reports but Gumball and Darwin gets confused and starts to point the button beside them then the discussion becomes audible again]

All of this is to say is that we're shutting this place down. Nicole: Wait, what? [makes a pointing down gesture] you're shutting this place down?

[Gumball and Darwin thought that they press the button after Nicole made a pointing down gesture. Nicole then suddenly got shocked of what she's done as they press the button.]
Nicole: No, no, no!

The Button Incident

[Splashes of colors starts to burst out of the machine, surprising the workers. The Soulless Office Worker writes 1 on the Days Accident-Free Board. He sees the colors bursting out, gets surprised, and passes out. Some paint gets on the number 1 and burns it like acid. The hole now appears to be a zero]
[Colors continues to burst now with toxic coming out. The Emergency Alarm buzzes]
Rainbow Factory Shareholders: [surprised] What's going on here?
Nicole: Just give me a couple of minutes and I... [screams] OK, couple of seconds!
[Gumball and Darwin enters the office smiling]]
Gumball: Uhm, Mom I think you can stop the meeting. There's not much left in the factory you can save.
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: Children in the workplace! What is this every other factory I own?
Nicole: [sniffs] I'm sorry sir but there's no time to discuss this now. We need to evacuate the premises at once. This gas is extremely toxic.
[Nicole surprised as she sees that the shareholder has a 3 head and the other has a very tiny head which is caused by a hallucination because of the toxic gases. Then Gumball and Darwin have a long distorted head while Nicole has a giant head and body and a lower voice.]
Nicole: All in favor of adjourning this meeting say "Aye".
Everyone: Aye!
[they try to evacuate the factory]
Rainbow Factory Shareholder: I'm a wealthy man. This isn't how it's supposed to end. I'm suppose to croak alone in my mansion surrounded by all the expensive things I wasted my life buying while my children fight over their inheritance.
Nicole: Look, the exit! Hurry up!
[Nicole sprints towards the exit door but the door seems to get farther and the floor starts to get wiggly. Nicole swipes her card to the lock but she starts to get bigger again. She squishes her head to the door then she got out leaving the others but the room is dark. The Gray Construction Man puts a banana in Nicole's mouth and puts her on a goat.]
Gray Construction Man: Come on! Get on the magic goat and play the banana![slaps the goat, which starts to run.]
Nicole: Wait, what?
[A Traffic Guard carrying a stop sign making a weird noise blocks their way. Nicole wakes up in the office]