The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

Principal Brown's office is a recurring location in The Amazing World of Gumball. It is the place in Elmore Junior High where Principal Brown does his administrative duties.

Episode appearances

Season 1

  • "The Painting": Its debut. Principal Brown calls the Wattersons here to discuss their dynamic.
  • "The Mystery": Gumball imagines Principal Brown talking to Penny here.
  • "The Sock": Principal Brown scolds the Watterson brothers here.
  • "The Genius": Principal Brown is here when he tells the Wattersons that he is taking Darwin away due to his high aptitude test score.
  • "The Meddler": Its door is seen behind Principal Brown as his hair is being burnt off.

Season 2

  • "The Flower": Gumball is made to apologize to Leslie here, but Jealousy takes over.
  • "The Apology": Principal Brown scolds Gumball and Darwin here for throwing a paper plane at Miss Simian, but stops when he realizes they had a good reason for doing so. Later, he has an argument with Miss Simian here, and later still the office is the only room to not have its window broken by Darwin.  
  • "The Words": Darwin rubs his behind on the doorknob of the office.
  • "The Skull": Gumball, Darwin, and Clayton are brought here for damaging the showers. Later, the former two are brought here for mocking Miss Simian. Finally, all three are brought here again, where the brothers confess to having soap-dodged.
  • "The Bet": Gumball, Darwin, and Bobert are sent here due to the latter insulting Ms. Markham and making out with a defibrillator.
  • "The Lesson": Gumball and Darwin are brought here for cheating on a math test.
  • "The Tape": Principal Brown's introduction on the tape takes place here.
  • "The Sweaters": Principal Brown tells the Watterson brothers to give Sarah a tour of the school here.

Season 3

  • "The Joy": Miss Simian interrupts Principal Brown (who is in the middle of making a film of some sort) here to warn him of the Joy virus here. Later, Brown is seen continuing recording in the office practicing using a broom as defense.
  • "The Fraud": The Watterson brothers are called here, but realize that Principal Brown is a fraud.
  • "The Void" (pictured)
  • "The Burden": Principal Brown entrusts the Watterson brothers with Chris Morris here.
  • "The Saint": Gumball attempts to sabotage Alan and Carmen's relationship here.
  • "The Society": Gumball is given one month's detention for injuring Mr. Small, but it is upped to three months for injuring Principal Brown here.

Season 4

Season 5

  • "The Grades": Principal Brown informs Miss Simian that she cannot expel Gumball here.
  • "The Best": The Watterson brothers break into the office to expose Carmen's dark past.

Season 6

  • "The One": Principal Brown looks out of the office door to ask Tobias to be quieter.
  • "The Anybody": Principal Brown exits the office and is jumped on by Gumball.
  • "The Pact": Gumball confronts and exposes Principal Brown here.
  • "The Understanding": Principal Brown tells the Watterson brothers to give Peter a tour of the school here.
  • "The Buddy": Principal Brown accuses Anais and Jamie of damaging the library computers here.
  • "The Agent": Principal Brown gives Gumball his task here, and later stands outside the office when he gives William detention.

Scrapped episodes

ve Locations
Major locations ElmoreWattersons' houseElmore Junior HighVoidWatterson children's room
Elmore Junior High locations Miss Simian's classroomPrincipal Brown's officeMr. Small's officeSchoolyardSchool gymSchool swimming poolSchool cafeteriaSchool science labNurse's officeSchool libraryBoys' bathroomGirls' bathroomSchool showering stallsJanitor's closetMr. Corneille's officeTeachers' loungeMiss Simian's officeSmallkwondo roomArt roomMr. Corneille's classroom
Residences Wattersons' houseRobinsons' houseGary's houseCarrie's houseFitzgeralds' houseVerdes' housePrincipal Brown's houseBobert's houseMr. Small and Marvin's houseLarry's houseBananas' houseWilsons' houseSarah's houseSussie's houseJötunheims' cavePaperball's houseTootmorsels' houseInternet's houseRussos' house
Stores/restaurants Laser VideoRipley 2000Lazy LarryElmore ShoppingFood 'n' StuffJoyful BurgerDump's CaveTattoo ParlorElmore MallShoe storeFervidus PizzaElmore Tan SalonChunky BitePet storeAwesome StoreDinnerConvenience store
Minor locations Molly's treehouseElmore MallRainbow FactoryLaser VideoForest of DoomElmore Gas StationElmore ShoppingElmore HospitalChanax Inc.Food 'n' StuffJoyful BurgerDaisylandElmore StadiumLazy LarryElmore ExpresswaySewersDump's CaveElmore Wrecking YardElmore MuseumStomach DestroyerShoe storeElmore PaintballWattersons' shedWattersons' bathroomTattoo ParlorHaunted houseIce rinkElmore ParkElmore WingsRichwood HighCheap MartDesertOceanRiverBeachCity HallBank of ElmoreElmore Parking LotToxic waste disposal siteContainer portElmore CinemaElmore Police StationFunlandChunky BiteElmore ZooElmore KindergartenKitten OrphanageUniverseConvenience store
Single appearances Butt ValleyWatterson family starBobert StoreC.O.R.R.U.P.TElmore RecordsDon Luciano PizzaFranklin Junior High
Unseen locations Boomboxembourg