The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
Character Information
Also known as: The car
Species: Car
Friends: The Wattersons
Relatives: The Wattersons (owners)
Occupation: Vehicle
First Appearance: "The DVD"

The minivan is the second transportation vehicle for the Wattersons. It first appears in "The DVD" when Nicole parks in front of the house with it. It is mostly driven by Nicole.


The minivan resembles the 1984–1986 Dodge Caravan. It is green and yellow, with horizontal wooden paneling dividing the two colors. In season 3, the minivan gets a redesign where the taillights are now red and the door handles are now on the opposite side, making it a station wagon.

Episode appearances

Season 1

  • "The DVD": Nicole parks in front of the house with it.
  • "The Responsible": Nicole and Richard drive to the school and the near the end, they come home.
  • "The Gi": The car gets a major role when Nicole drives her sons and then herself to school in it when saving the boys from embarrassment.
  • "The Kiss": Nicole and Richard leave in it before Granny Jojo's arrival.
  • "The Club": It is seen parked next to the school then later parked next to the house.
  • "The Car": Nicole accidentally backs into the Robinsons' car with it.
  • "The Microwave": Nicole parks it next to the house.
  • "The Meddler": Nicole walks towards it before getting a call from Gumball.

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

  • "The Fuss": Nicole fails to drive to the tattoo shop in it and crashes it into a bus.
  • "The Uncle": It is seen in the background behind the school playground in its season 12 design. 

Season 6


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6


  • It has been seen in different colors.
  • The real life version of this vehicle has one back door instead of two.
  • The Wattersons also own another vehicle, which is called Cartax.
  • Despite the fact that the minivan belongs to the Wattersons, there are some occassions of the minivan's model being driven by other Elmore residents, though this could just be the same model of vehicle and not the specific one they own.

ve Miscellaneous Pages
Real-World Merchandise The DVD (DVD)The Mystery (DVD)The Party (DVD)Volume 4 (DVD)MerchandiseCharacter Clash
Show Related Media April Fools promosCartoon Network movie bumpersElmore Stream-It videosWaiting for Gumball (Transcript) • What Dad Would Do For a SausageThe Amazing Ride of Gumball
Media Alligators on a TrainThe Amazing Adventures of Gumball and Darwin and SarahCaptain PunchDaisy the Donkey ShowHow to Ratatwang Your PandaThe Incredible World of Chi ChiLaserHeart and The SmoochNight-Mare on Elmore StreetA Pony's TailThe ScreameningWatch Out Little TeddyWin or Don't WinStellar Odyssey (film)
Objects Daisy FlakesElectro FatEntertainernatorForbidden BookGumball and Darwin's video cameraLucky helmetMagic notebookMale Power 2000Reach for the Stars chartUniversal remoteWandaZ Station
Vehicles CartaxFitzgeralds' carJaniceMinivanPublic busRobinsons' carSchool bus
Other Animation errorsProduction musicSluzzle TagJoy virusBobert System