The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

Chanax International, Inc. is an office building located in Elmore. The corporation that the building serves is named after Mr. Chanax, the alter-ego of Paperball, and the former owner of the company. The office goblin has since been his replacement.

It is unknown what the corporation primarily does; however, according to Rocky, Chanax, Inc. is reputed for being "pure evil," seeing that they cut down rainforests, contributed to pollution, invented boy bands, and according to Gumball, invented cheese puffs. "The Founder" reveals that the company is a cable service provider also.

At the end of "The Founder," the entire Chanax building eventually collapses and gets destroyed due to Richard's mistaken identity as the founder and his plan to get rid of the building's foundation.


The building is several stories high, and people exit or enter through sliding glass doors. These doors give Richard a hard time when he tries to get a job. The building's elevators are seen throughout the series, and are big enough to hold the Wattersons' car inside as shown in "The Bumpkin." In "The Extras," the offices of some of its employees are seen.

In "The Boss," the building's more sinister parts are revealed. In addition to the conference room and waiting room, there is a compartment filled with so much paperwork that it is deep enough to drown in or cause a paper avalanche that can potentially crush trespassers. The filing cabinets are sentient, as shown when they try to crush Gumball, Darwin, and Rocky. The two latter ones have to be passed in order to get to Mr. Chanax's office. One must also pass a reception desk, and take an elevator to go to the office. The office of the goblin is located at the highest level of the building, on the ninety-ninth. According to the boss, Gumball, Darwin, and Rocky were the first people to ever make it there.



According to Paperball, the company seeks to find employees "young, fresh, and gullible," which must be demonstrated in their employment interviews, as well as able to have quality interlingual communication skills.

Immediately after they are accepted, the employee must sign a legal contract, in this signing away their "hopes and dreams," and may be convinced to disregard the negative consequences. This signing is revealed to owe complete manipulation and physical possession by Mr. Chanax to soullessly work in intensive labor, much like puppetry.

After the contract is signed, said employee must exhale into a jar, so that the company can forever keep possession of the employee's spirit. Despite these myths, it is revealed that an employee's breath into a jar does not actually give any spiritual possession to Mr. Chanax, as stated in a dispute by Gumball.


Admittedly being treated as "slaves," employees in one part of Chanax unwillingly have their souls taken out by the employment contract and are harshly forced to perform extensive lengths of intensive labor, primarily dealing with large stacks of paperwork and typing. According to the soulless office worker, the occupation may last up to most of their life, to the extent of missing their family growths and even their own retirement.

However, in another "part" of Chanax Inc., there are employees shown to casually socialize with one another in between breaks from regular, non-abusive work. They do, on the contrary, work without even knowing the general idea of their occupation, as shown in "The Extras." Employees in this moiety comprise of Lenny, Charlie, Mike, etc.

Episode appearances

Season 1

  • "The DVD": Gumball and Darwin volunteer as cosmetic test subjects in order to pay for their DVD.
  • "The Painting": Richard attempts to get a job here, but he is seven hours late and gets a pink slip for it.
  • "The Mustache": Gumball and Darwin attempt to get jobs here as well, only to have the same fate as their father.

Season 2

Season 3

  • "The Extras": Lenny talks to Charlie and Mike.
  • "The Boss": Its first major appearance. Gumball and Darwin return and attempt to get Rocky a job.
  • "The Butterfly": Karen can be seen working at a complaints office.
  • "The Spoiler": John can be seen in one of the offices during Gumball's phone conversation with Penny.

Season 4

  • "The Parking": The Wattersons try to park on the building's suspended scaffold.
  • "The Apprentice": Patrick gives his presentation to the company and Gumball follows him there.
  • "The Night": Gumball hits the building in a dream.

Season 5

Season 6

  • "The Founder": Its second major appearance. Richard is mistaken for the founder of the organization, and it gets destroyed by Richard thanks to his mistaken identity.
  • "The Stink": Larry mentions that neither Organic and Stuff nor Tea and Stuff are owned by Chanax.
  • "The Future": It is in a flashback.

Known employees





  • The Chanax building is based on the Four Embarcadero Center in San Francisco, California.
  • Chanax Inc. has its own musical motif that plays when the building is shown.

ve Locations
Major locations ElmoreWattersons' houseElmore Junior HighVoidWatterson children's room
Elmore Junior High locations Miss Simian's classroomPrincipal Brown's officeMr. Small's officeSchoolyardSchool gymSchool swimming poolSchool cafeteriaSchool science labNurse's officeSchool libraryBoys' bathroomGirls' bathroomSchool showering stallsJanitor's closetMr. Corneille's officeTeachers' loungeMiss Simian's officeSmallkwondo roomArt roomMr. Corneille's classroom
Residences Wattersons' houseRobinsons' houseGary's houseCarrie's houseFitzgeralds' houseVerdes' housePrincipal Brown's houseBobert's houseMr. Small and Marvin's houseLarry's houseBananas' houseWilsons' houseSarah's houseSussie's houseJötunheims' cavePaperball's houseTootmorsels' houseInternet's houseRussos' house
Stores/restaurants Laser VideoRipley 2000Lazy LarryElmore ShoppingFood 'n' StuffJoyful BurgerDump's CaveTattoo ParlorElmore MallShoe storeFervidus PizzaElmore Tan SalonChunky BitePet storeAwesome StoreDinnerConvenience store
Minor locations Molly's treehouseElmore MallRainbow FactoryLaser VideoForest of DoomElmore Gas StationElmore ShoppingElmore HospitalChanax Inc.Food 'n' StuffJoyful BurgerDaisylandElmore StadiumLazy LarryElmore ExpresswaySewersDump's CaveElmore Wrecking YardElmore MuseumStomach DestroyerShoe storeElmore PaintballWattersons' shedWattersons' bathroomTattoo ParlorHaunted houseIce rinkElmore ParkElmore WingsRichwood HighCheap MartDesertOceanRiverBeachCity HallBank of ElmoreElmore Parking LotToxic waste disposal siteContainer portElmore CinemaElmore Police StationFunlandChunky BiteElmore ZooElmore KindergartenKitten OrphanageUniverseConvenience store
Single appearances Butt ValleyWatterson family starBobert StoreC.O.R.R.U.P.TElmore RecordsDon Luciano PizzaFranklin Junior High
Unseen locations Boomboxembourg