The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki

Cartoon Network Movie Bumpers 2012

The Cartoon Network movie bumpers usually appear when Cartoon Network shows a movie. These bumpers have the main characters from Adventure TimeThe Amazing World of Gumball, and Regular Show. All of the characters are in a movie theater as if they are watching the movie that is airing. While doing this, various things happen to the characters.


The Amazing World of Gumball bumpers

  • Gumball takes a seat, then Richard sits in the seat in front of Gumball, then Tina takes a seat in front of him, then Hector sits in front of her, then in front of Hector is Banana Joe in the front row, who laughs.
  • Richard asks Gumball, Darwin, Anais and Nicole to pass the popcorn, then asks them to pass the soda and to keep passing food, then Gumball passes Anton and Richard bites him accidentally.

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Merchandise Cartoon NetworkCartoon Network AnythingCartoon Network Holiday Collection 2014Cartoon Network movie bumpers